Chapter 1

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"Claystone wastaken, please come to the main office. Thank you."

*Speaker off*

"Dream! Can I come with you!?" Said a girl, standing next to dream while walking to the main office. "No, I'm good." Dream was saying but another person came up to them and asked the same thing "I'm good. I don't need the help." Dream said, that had truly made them leave. And it did.

The simps all had their own... personalities and traits. Is what you could say. Some are nice, respectful, thoughtful, mean, weird, kind, ect...

Dream wanted to walk there by himself but someone, had to tag along... And that someone was Karl.

"I thought you were talking with antfrost and velvet?" Dream commented while Karl was beside him. "I was, but they eventually went to go do couple things." Karl said, shrugging his shoulders.

"And now I have nothing to do but to follow you." Karl added on. Putting his arm around dream's. "But isn't class starting soon?" Dream said, respectful of Karl to tag along but dream likes to do things alone. Most of the time.

"Meh, I can just say I'm here to help you with- whatever it is, that their calling you for." Karl said, pride in his voice. " But what if they don't even need me to help with something?"

Dream added on, not wanting Karl to miss class, and his next class, is his favorite of them all. Or really just his only favorite class, art/painting.

"Karl, how about this." Dream said, looking at Karl and Karl looking back. "Yeah?" Karl added on in question. "You go to class and after I'm done with whatever the school needs, I'll give you cuddles, ok dear?"

Dream said to Karl in a soft voice, knowing his weakness. Karl couldn't say no to dream, and calling him dear. Along with free cuddles after, a dream come true. "Alright, alright, I'll go... " Karl said, it's win lose.

Getting almost everything he's ever wanted but that means having to leave dream's side. "Bye dream!!" Karl said while walking away. "Bye karl!" Dream said, waving to Karl and slowly continued walking to the main office.

"A dream.." (high school au) (yandere dream harem)Where stories live. Discover now