Chapter 8

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Fundy looked down and saw the guy that was laying on dream was awake and not happy. "Oh- uh... I just wanted to talk to dream.." fundy spoke quietly towards Karl. "Well, you can see he's sleeping so just go away."

Karl said again, they both knew Each other were going to be trouble for them. But fundy did not move, he stayed seated right next to dream. Karl wanted this guy gone but just couldn't get up from dreams body.

Karl would just try to ignore him until next class or something else happens. But it was gonna be hard not to knowledge this guy because of his scent. "So, you must be dreams friend dream was talking about-".

"Dream talk about me!?" Karl was up and looking at fundy with a surprise but also a happy look. "What did dreamy say about me??" Karl asked to know as if it was gossip.

Fundy was surprise, he didn't even want to look at him until now. 'Maybe I should just go along with this...' fundy thought to himself, maybe he could get something from him.

"Oh nothing much, he just said he was having lunch with you and wanted to know if it was ok." Fundy said, not looking at Karl while talking. "Well, he should of asked me before he agreed to having you with us.." Karl talked back to fundy.

Karl then went back to laying his upper body down on dreams legs again. "So, how long have you've been friends with dream..?" Fundy asked.

Him not being fund of silence for that time being. Karl's mouth started to shape into a grin. "Oh, me and dream have been friends since middle school."

Fundy was stoned. "Oh, that... must be nice.." Fundy tried to say it without sounding jealous, trying to cover it up with a smile.

{Author Here}
So sorry for not posting for like, months. I don't really know why I stopped posting, besides school work and all. I wanna try to post again but I can't promise it'll be soon. Sorry again, and have a good day/night. ♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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"A dream.." (high school au) (yandere dream harem)Where stories live. Discover now