Chapter 1

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"Is it possible for someone to become a hero, even if they don't have a quirk?" asked Izuku. Standing a few feet away from her was the number one hero in Japan, All Might. "I'm just a normal girl without a quirk, people are always telling me I can't be a hero. But I still want to try and become a hero like you."

The sickly looking man closed his sunken eyes and thought for a moment. "I'm sorry. Pro's are always putting their lives on the line, some villains can't be beaten without powers.So to answer your question, no you can't be a hero without a quirk." All Might finished.

Those words cut through Izuku like a hot knife. "I see." she said trying to hold back the tears.

"If you really want to help people become a police officer. Sure they crap because heroes do most of the work, but it's a fine profession. Or you might want to look into a modeling career." 

Izuku was always told from a young age how pretty she was. From her long forest green hair, her beautiful eyes, and her cute freckles in the shape of diamonds on each of her cheeks.

"It's good to have dreams, just make sure they're realistic." said All Might as he left the young girl on the roof.

Izuku walked down the stairs toward her apartment build where her mother and father were probably concerned about her being late.  As she walked passed an alleyway, she saw a group of civilians and what looked like a fire. Izuku was about to go check it out and see if she could help, but remembered what All Might said. She decided just to ignore it and let real heroes solve the problem.

As izuku finally made it home she was met with a short plump woman with identical hair to hers hugging her asking where she had been. "Sorry to worry you two. I just got held up at school."

Izuku looked over her mom to see her father cooking dinner. Her father, Hisashi was the opposite of her mother. Tall, slightly muscular, and had short black messy hair. Izuku looked mostly like her mother but got her fathers freckles. 

"Izuku help your mom set the table. Dinners almost done." Hisashi said.

After setting the table and being served dinner the small family of three started talking about their days. "So Izuku, how was school today?" Inko asked her daughter.

'The most miserable day of my quirkless life.' Izuku thought to herself. 

"It was fine." She said, not wanting to talk about how the whole class laughed at her, her ruined school uniform, the burn on her shoulder, and how her dreams were killed my her personal hero.

"Izuku. Are you sure you're ok sweetheart? You've barely touched your fish." Hisashi asked. "I'm fine. I'm just going to lay down for a bit." She said excusing herself from the table and quickly walked up to her room causing Inko and Hisashi to look at each other with concern.

When Izuku made it to her room she jumped stomach first on her bed, burying her face into her pillow, and quietly cried. After a few minutes of crying she heard her door open and looking over threw her tears she was her father with a plate of fruit. Hisashi walked towards Izuku and sat next to her and waited for her to wipe her eyes.

"What's wrong Izuku? You've never left dinner before." asked Hisashi.

"It's nothing dad. I just had a ruff day." Izuku said still sniffling.

Hisashi knew ever since Izuku's quirk never developed properly that she would go through hardships. Back when he was Izuku's age, people where already making fun of quirkless people or people with weaker quirks. Even some people thought he was only marring Inko so his child would get a stronger fire type quirk. 

"Izuku if you're having any problems at school, you can tell me or your mother." Hisashi said while petting his daughter head. Izuku shook her head slightly and starting eating the plate of fruit. Hisashi kissed her on the head goodnight and left her room. After finishing the plate Izuku started taking down all her hero posters, action figures, and even the All Might theme sign that had her name on it. She put all the items in a box and hid it in her closet. Her room looked bare and empty as if it was brand new. She looked at the clock and saw it was almost midnight and decided to change and go to sleep. She could still hear the voice of All Might telling her she can't be a hero.

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