Chapter 1.P3

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Six months later

There was an uproar in the city, people were waiting to see their saviours; this was the nickname that people gave it to the group. It was not known who brought the news to the people of the city, the queen did not like people to see them.
But in the palace; Queen Miriyam was extremely angry and worried. She had no hope for the group and she doubted that they would succeed in doing this mission properly. As she walked quickly on the velvet carpet of her palace she shouted:
- Where is Oshen? Where is that useless boy?
One of the Queen's beautiful and young maids came forward and said:
- My Queen the prince is a little ill and could not reach you.
The Queen gave that girl an angry look and said:
- What did you say? He is ill? Is he ill or did he drink too much and now he can't stand on his feet? Huh? It seems that your information about the prince is too much!
The maid swallowed and said:
- My lady...
- Don't even think about talking, I go to his room myself.
Miriyam angrily left her palace and went to the room of her son Oshen, who was also the crown prince. The brown-haired son of the queen, who looked exactly like his father, Miriyam's husband, he was a useless, untalented and lazy person. The only good thing about him was his compassion and fairness. This was obvious from his behavior with people. Sometimes, with the queen's insistence, he would go to look at a part of the city and if he saw that the people had a problem, he would quickly inform his mother and take care of it. He could not bear to see the poverty and misery of the people and he always wanted to give what he has to people.
But such a pity that his vanity and pride and other bad manners overcame his kindness and he was always angered by the queen.

Miriyam angrily opened the door of Oshen's room and closed it with great force. Seeing Oshen sprawled on the ground and holding a wine cup; she got angry. She took the jug of water and emptied it on his head. Oshen jumped up and shook his head, when he saw his mother, he got up quickly but stumbled and fell on the ground again. Miriyam sat on the ground, staring angrily into Oshe's brown eyes, she grabbed his long hair and pulled him tightly and said:
- Fool, by way of illustration, are you a prince? You don't deserve to be the crown prince; you are as incompetent as your father, useless idiot! You are twenty-two years old, but you have no use. When I was your age, I knew how to ride a horse, swordsmanship, reading and writing but you can't read as well as an eight-year-old kid, you don't even know how to fight and if you ride a horse, that horse will knock you down and crush you with its hooves.
Oshen who was trying to pull of his hair out of his mother's strong hands, hiccupped and said:
- But mother... give me a moment, I will learn all this, I promise. Right now, I will go to Selinus and Khashatra and learn all of this skills.
- Close your mouth, it smells like stench wine. Look I have a son who claims twice as much as the people in that group and he is taller than all the men in the group but I am sending people's children to that mission! Oshen You go with them and learn everything they know, gain experience, you become a hero and you will come back. Do you understand, useless idler?
Oshen, who had recovered a bit, said with round eyes:
- What? But mother, I won't go with them, I don't want to go...
- You will go and...
- But I...
- Shh! No more word, don't talk. Get up, wash your frowzy self, tidy up your hair and beard and go to the group. If I hear any extra word form you or you try to escape, I'll send you to the dungeon again like a few years ago so you become a human.
- But mother...
Miriyam left the room without listening to her son's words.

Elsewhere in the palace, the young daughter of Khashatra, whose name was Atena, insisted her father to go on journey with the group.
Khashatra, who was busy choosing the right weapon for the group in the weapons warehouse, hit an ax hard on the ground and shouted:
- I said no! No Atena, you can't go; if something bad happens to you, your mother will curse me from the other world. I can't live without you daughter; if you go, who will be my companion? I will be alone, what if something happens to you? Believe me, that journey is not suitable for you.

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