Act I: Super Tomcat

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Waking up early in the morning at 0715, it was still kinda dark out with the sun slowly rising from below. Getting up from my bed, I did my morning routine by brushing my teeth, taking a shower, and dressing up in my flight suit. 

After getting all of that done, I grabbed the keys for my motorcycle which is located inside my hangar.

Yep, it's the Kawasaki GPZ900r that my grandfather used to ride when he was a pilot like myself and he decided to pass it on to me after he passed away from old age

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Yep, it's the Kawasaki GPZ900r that my grandfather used to ride when he was a pilot like myself and he decided to pass it on to me after he passed away from old age. I miss my pops as he taught me everything about flying. 

Speaking of which, he used to fly the famous F-14 Tomcat and it's my favorite fighter jet out of all of the entire military arsenal except now it's nothing more than a museum piece. If only I get to fly it once... 

Anyway, I opened the hangar doors and guided my motorcycle out before closing them shut. Hopping on, I start the engines before zooming off to Hangar 472 and reported on time. 

I didn't need to show the MP officers my I.D. since they already knew who I am, greeting them as I pass by, I rode inside the hangar but there was a giant object covered up. No one else was present and it was starting to itch with curiosity. 

It resembled a jet fighter but it looked different than the others I'm familiar with, which is odd and interesting since Grumman had made a whole new design based on the looks of it. 

Soon my questions would be answered as soon as the Intelligence Specialists along with several expert mechanics came inside. 

"Ah, Y/N, you've arrived just on time!" He greeted me. 

"Great. But what on Earth is this?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"I'm just about to reveal it but first, let me explain the details." He replied to me and I sighed.

He explained that this aircraft is a stealth fighter which is the second fifth-gen fighter that the Navy has so far commissioned... At least not until we test it. Not only that, but he also stated that this stealth fighter was created by the cooperation of Lockheed Martin and Grumman which really started to pique my curiosity. 

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