Part 3

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The day you had been waiting for was finally here. His court hearing would determine if he would be able to come home pending trial. We were all confident he would make bail but when his bail was denied by a judge who didn't care how Spencer wasn't a flight risk or a criminal. Using your pregnancy against him, saying how a real father would never leave his pregnant girlfriend for drugs. Your heart broke into pieces for him, June, and yourself. He turned to you and said something about how he loves you and June.

You were at a loss at this point. You never imagined life without Spencer since you met him in the bullpen on your first day. You were making your coffee with extra extra sugar. In a rush to get back to the round table you turned too fast running into Spencer spilling your coffee all over him. You ended up giving him one of your extra graphic tees from your go bag. After the case he showed up to your apartment with a freshly folded Micheal Myers black and red tee shirt. You invited him in and you both talked for hours upon hours. Since then you both have been in love with each other.

Now years later with a beautiful baby girl and lots of memories the love is growing stronger. The need for each other was growing stronger. Seeing him being taken to the back like he is some bad man hurts both you and the team. How could the judge not see that he would never do anything like this.

Spencer has taken blow after blow when it came to his life and you couldn't imagine how he felt right now. You walked out into the hallway where Penelope had your daughter. She was asleep but you still held her regardless. 

Junie was her fathers twin and even so small just like him. You were so scared that she would never know Spencer. That she would never hear him read her a bedtime story or somehow have an answer to every question she could ask. This entire situation has taken a toll on your mental health but spending time with June helped you greatly. 

You knew with one parent not here right now you had to push how you felt to the side and show up for your baby girl. You didn't want to hire a babysitter yet so with leftover paid time off you decided to hold off on going back to work.

Spencer only allowed you to visit him in prison once before taking your name off the list.

"I hate that they are looking at you like you're a piece of meat." he said quietly. You were visiting him for the second and last time. The other prisoners were looking at you like a kid in a candy store. "Spencer, I'm yours and no one else's. I don't care that they are looking, I'm here for you" you said with a slight smile that caused him to smile. He looked beat down and so sad it destroyed you. He told you about a friend he met that was actually helping him through this. Soon after visiting hours were over and you had to leave.

"I love you so much Spence and so does June. I'll see you next week." You said as you got up to leave. That day Spencer took you off the visitors list. Spencer didn't want the mother of his child around this no matter how much it hurt you.

"Hey Em, why can't I go visit spence?" Emily told you it's because Spencer didn't want you to see him like this. You knew it was worse then she was letting on but you couldn't afford to push. The truth was Spencer was attacked in prison. 

He was getting worse mentally and had to keep you away. He never liked when you would worry. You still had not officially returned to work yet but you were still helping with Spencer's case. Gracia would always keep you updated on days when you couldn't get to work because of June.

It's been 5 months and June is getting more active and even more hungry. You had to focus on raising her the best you could without Spencer. You and the team were still working on the case and felt you were getting close to clearing his name. You were sending letters back and forth to each other talking mostly about June and how she looks so much like you both. You sent him so many pictures of you and June. 

Spencer also wrote letters to June even though she couldn't read yet. You would read them to her without caring if she understood. You could tell in his letters he wasn't doing well from the way he talked about how the week would be going.

You knew that they weren't getting anywhere with the case and it started to sink in. That he wouldn't be here to see her grow.

 Her first time sitting up, her first time saying 'dada' her first steps and it terrified you. Spencer was ready to be a dad and he was just trying to help his mother. You had realized he hadn't even spent a full day with her yet. June was 6 months old now and you were afraid she wouldn't even recognize her own father.

You were on the couch watching a rerun of Boy Meets World while feeding June when you got the call to come to the BAU. You could tell it was urgent so you sped down there as fast as you could. You entered the bullpen pushing in her stroller while holding her bag in the other hand and that's when he turned around. Spencer Reid, in the flesh, with a very new dad bod that you would get the full experience with later and his long scruffy, brown hair.

A wide grin appeared on his face as he ran up to you and took you in. He kissed the top of your head and finally you both made eye contact "I told you I'll come home to you" he said as he brought his lips to yours. 

The moment was interrupted when a very loud baby girl began to wail. That's when you and Spencer turned to June with her tight curls similar to his. As he went to pick her up you saw tears in his eyes. " You have grown so much Junie baby!" He said smiling as he picked her up and June smiled back as if he had never left.

Ill be home - Spencer Reid short ficWhere stories live. Discover now