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    As they entered the gymnasium, Katie noticed that they were the last ones to come in so the group rushed to take their seats.

   "Welcome, students of Shadyside High! As i'm sure you all know and are excited for, today is the last day of school, and the last day of highschool for our seniors" . As soon as the principal mentioned the seniors, the gym exploded in cheers and howls and-
  "Barking?" "Well that's new" added Simon. "Yeah well why should Shadysiders miss a chance to show that we re raised like animals..."

Just like mostly everyone in this town, Lily has had a love-hate relationship with Shadyside since forever. She and her friends called it Shittyside, but got mad whenever Sunnysiders or other people called it that. Sort of a "only i can bully my sibling" type of energy. But more than the town, she hated the people. She hated how even though they didn't like to be called animals, or "shitsiders" or other names, they never failed to prove those names right.
"Maybe if they admitted they act exactly like what we're stereotyped as, it wouldn't make me so mad", added Katie. "Exactly" "Right?!" Lily and Simon said at the same time.

    "Alright. As you all know tonight is the annual football game between us and the Sunnyside High. As i do every year, I advise you to take it easy, and just have fun." Simon could feel Lily and Katie rolling their eyes in the back of their heads, he didn't even have to look at them.

  "BUT-But... i am very excited to say  i have another announcement to make. I am sure you all remember Camp Nightwing.."
   "Pretty sure no one could forget about a massacre" whispered Deena who now joined the other 3 teens.

  "Well, i am very proud to announce that sheriff Nick Goode, mayor Will Goode, and i, have decided to reopen the camp, and to make things a little better, we have decided to open it for not only locals, but also states nearby like Michigan, Kentucky, West Virginia, and even Indiana!"

"Bullshit. This is Bullshit. A load of bull-"  "I think we got it Lils.."  "No Simon, Lily is right. I mean what the hell do they think everyone will forget about the massacre that took place there and we're just gonna go there, happily, like nothing happened?!"  "People have died and they're trying to make it into a cute little unicorn camp for people outside of the state as well... are we surprised..?"

"Now, before you get excited, or mad, or whatever you feel like, i want to make it clear that we have consulted with the families of the victims and they all agreed to this. They want their children to be remembered in a happy place and not an abandoned, creepy and sad one."  Lily saw in the corner of her eye that a few people started leaving the gymnasium and for a good reason. Principal Harrison might have said that he consulted with the families of the victims, thinking he will get away with it, but he forgot that some siblings or close friends of the victims were students at Shadyside High and they have never been "consulted" by anyone. And Lily was one of them. 

   The Nightwing Camp massacre was one of the first so called horror story of Shadyside, only this wasn't only a story. Before the killings, the camp was well-known for bringing Shadyside and Sunnyside together through fun games and activities, but after the night of July 19th of 1978, for 8 years, it has only been remembered for the terrible murder of 12 people, mostly children , and all shadysiders, one of which was Lily's older sister, Alice Hart. After her sister's death, their parents got divorced and her mom remarried, hence Lily's last name now- Anderson. The families of the victims have gone through hell and back after the murders, because they never got closure . After the murders, the killer, Tommy Slater, had killed himself, making it impossible to get answers. And the fact that people had made a joke out of it, saying it was "the witch" who possessed him and made him kill all those children, made it even worse.  

 Lily wanted to walk out with the others but didn't want to give the principal and others the satisfaction so she took a deep breath and stood her grounds, feeling her friends' eyes on her.

"And for our seniors, whose glorious days of highschool are coming to an end, we want to give you the opportunity  to get a summer job, to make entering adulthood a little better for you all. So, we are looking for seniors who would like to be supervisors for this year's camp, and since we are preparing to welcome people from 5 different states, we are in need of a lot of seniors. If you think you can handle a bunch of kids and also have fun, you are perfect for the job and you can submit your applications to Mr. Northwood over here." he pointed to a table behind him where their history teacher was sitting, smiling awkwardly at everyone." Okay well.. that's it! The graduation ceremony will begin soon, and i wish you all a fun summer and i'm looking forward to seeing you guys" he said pointing at the row of seniors on the benches "at this year's camp. It's going to be absolutely amazing!!! Oh yeah and um... tonight's event.... just...be careful!". He walked off the stage with an awkward laugh.

 "Even he knows this whole thing is pathetic." Simon scoffed at the ridiculous atmosphere. "Right?! I can't believe he has the audacity to ask seniors to work at the camp when most of them well...have some type of connection to the victims...unbelieva-"  "I think i'm gonna apply."

"What?!", Simon, Katie and Deena were now fully turned towards Lily. "Why?!".

"Well.. i mean i think it's a good opportunity? I was just talking about getting a job, and i would also finally get to see the whole place you know? i've been trying to get to it for the last 8 years and you're telling me i'd get paid to see it now? Sounds really good to me. Plus my cousin, Chrissy lives in Indiana. I can give her a call, maybe she can come. We could have fun, spend some quality time together, you know? " "I mean yeah...i guess but...are you sure?" "Yeah! I'm actually excited now, can't lie."

 The graduation ceremony had just started and the principal walked on stage again, butchering names from the start. Since they were seniors, they had to wait for the freshmen, sophomore and juniors to finish so the group would have  enough time to talk about their lives in detail from start to finish. Plus their last names weren't of much help either, but eventually their names were finally called. Lily Anderson(...)Deena Johnson(...) Simon Kalivoda (..) and Katie Schmidt.

After the ceremony ended, the group waited for a while until only a few people remained in the gymnasium: those who wanted to apply for the camp.

"Lils, wait." Deena grabbed her arm. "Are you sure about this? Like.. 1 million percent sure?" Lily laughed at her friend's visibly concerned face "Yes, Dee, i'm like..infinte percent sure, stop worrying so much. You already have enough stuff on your mind. Plus, a little time at a camp where i get paid and get  free food and a bed to sleep in? Sounds more like an all inclusive travel company."  "I know you're trying to be funny and shit to make me feel better but i'm serious, Anderson. If anything happens, and i mean anything , like if you have a spider in your room, or-or i don't know some sweaty chad dude hitting on you, you call me and i'm driving there at the speed of light, you hear me?" "Trust me, Johnson, if i hear a fly near me, you're the first one i call, no doubt." "Good. I gotta go to band with Simon and Katie now, but i'll see you after we're done? Meet us and Josh in the parking lot and get on the bus with us. It'll be more fun with you around than with those dipshits.". "Of course it will" Lily said sarcastically, but her tone obviously warm, showing how grateful she is for Dee. "I'll see you guys there!" "Okay! Love you, and be careful."  "Love you too."

"Oh and Dee?" "Hm?" "Thank you. Seriously. For always making sure im good and for being by my side."

"And i always will, Anderson."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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