(Please read the description before you start reading this you don't have too but it may make more sense)

My feet are on fire, My clothes are severely ripped and with every rip at least 3 cuts are bleeding and showing not to mention the cuts that aren't showing, my face was bruised and I was searching for someone anyone!

I don't know what time it is, I don't have my phone and no one is on the streets, I was crying looking down and I'm sure I looked like a mess I mean I was just kidnapped for goodness sake

I was loosing all hope of finding anyone any singular person I just needed to feel safe. And just when I was loosing all hope I bumped into someone.

"Oww" the man grunted "oh no!! I'm so sorry that was my fault!" The man looked up but as he did he smirked "no worries pretty lady why don't I just take you back to my place so I can get a better look of that body of yours" his smile turned into a grimacing one.

I was shocked no not shocked I was disgusted. All my hope was gone, I had thought maybe this man could be of help to me but he ended up just creeping me out, which made me brake into more tears I wasn't expecting him to be so unkind and make me feel uncomfortable

But when I got a better look at him I had realized something. He was the man who kidnapped me but once I realized this I think he realized the same thing

He grabbed my arm tightly hurting and making my cuts bleed more but I wasn't some helpless bitch so I kicked him in the groin and turned the quickest corner

As I heard him pass the opening to where I was I ran as fast as I could turning random corners and all the corners I could see in hopes to loose him, just then I saw a door

I didn't care who was in there I just needed to be safe I was about to walk in but just then it all went black

Jimin POV

I was talking to Jungkook when we all heard a huge bang outside our dressing room. It got me a bit confused considering it would be hard to find is.

"Did all of you guys hear that or was it just me?" Jungkook had thought out loud
"Nope I think we all heard that" Namjoon thing said
"Well maybe we should check what fell?" I asked them all
"Yeah we should" J-hope responded

Jin slowly opened the door in case it was some fan girls or something. Luckily it wasn't, it didn't even look like anything was there, so I tilted my head down and saw a girl laying on the ground with cuts al l over her body
"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed

We quickly brought her inside and laid her on the couch, she looked very beat up, and exhausted. Despite the cuts and bruises on her body with the very cut up clothing, she was beautiful.

Maisy's POV
I woke up warm? No this doesn't make sense I thought I was captured by that bastard. I guess not? I slowly opened my eyes benign blinded by the lights above.

I noticed I was on a couch? And there where lots of men surrounding me. I counted them to see my odds 1...2...3...4...5...6... 7!?! 7 guys wow I'm really screwed now if I have to run, last I remember there where only 3 and I had enough trouble getting away from them, but I had to act quick if I was going to get the upper hand I wasn't no pussy.

I quickly stood up swiping who looked like the youngest and the strongest off there feet and quickly stood up taking a fighting stance.

"Who are you and what are you planning to do?"
"Whoa calm down there sweet cheeks we are just trying to help you" the guy I swept of his feat said while getting up and dusting the imaginary dust off his knees

I'm not sure if I can trust you..."

Lol I know this is a short chapter but I thought I would post it cause why not YOLO anyways I hope you have a wonderful day! I love and appreciate you! If you're having a bad day talk to me if you want I'm always here for people!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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