• Chapter 3 •

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Tommy POV

I woke up early next morning because I had gone to sleep early yesterday. I opened my eyes and yawned.

I tried getting up...And that's when I noticed my positioning. Ranboo hugged my bare waist from underneath my shirt. His leg hooked over my hips as he spooned me from behind. His head rest in the crook of my neck close beside my face.

I blushed brightly, Jeezus christ he's so close. And this is so intimate.

There was a knock at my door, probably Tubbo. I called, "Come in!"

Come in!? Tommy- no!

In walked Tubbo looking down at his phone, "I was thinking today we coul-" He looked up to see Ranboo and I. He smirked, "Platonic, eh?"

I turned red, "Oh quit it! I'm straight and Ranboo and I both agreed we were just platonic soulmates."

"Tommy.....Come on, really?" Tubbo raised a brow at me.

"Wh- What?" I gulped nervous.

He sighed, and shook his head, "I'll talk to you later about it, yeah?"

I sighed, "Kay."

"For now...wake Ranboo up then come out into the living room. I'm gonna make breakfast. Then I'll tell ya today's plan." He smiled and walked out.

I wasn't sure how to wake him up. He seemed comfy.....And I'll admit- I was pretty comfy too, but it did bother me that he was so upclose. Still, it was time to get up.

"Ranboo." I whispered.

He shifted a little and snuggled his head into mine, "Mmmm"

I blushed lightly, "Ranboo it's morning, time to get up."

He groaned and pulled me to his chest, tightening his grip. I sighed, "Ranboo!"

"Quiet. I'm tired." He yawned and then began to gently rub my bare side.

I bit my lip nervous and a little uncomfortable that a guy was touching me like this, "R- Ran...Let go of me."

He groaned and opened his eyes. He became conscious of what was happening and let go then rolled himself off the bed. I turned over in bed to see him then he popped back on his feet. His grey eyes met my blue ones and then he walked backwards into the restroom. I smiled at him and he slowly closed the bathroom door. I heard a lock and I laughed.

What a dork. Hes so cute.


As in, cute and dorky, not like- I find him cute looking or anything.

I blushed and looked at my wrist. I ran my finger over it, "Soulmate..."

I smiled to myself, I actually met my soulmate. And the fact we've been soulmates this whole time and we didn't even know it.....It's crazy.

Mines so vibrant. That must mean he likes me quite a bit, huh?- Thats cute.

Hmm, I wonder if he'll want to tell anyone- or hide it from the fans. I'd understand him wanting to keep it a secret though.

Who knew Ranboo and I'd be best friends. I was sorta a real dick to him at first. I guess that's just our dynamic then, hm.

Ranboo walked out and awkwardly smiled, "Oh...Y- Your still here."

I scoffed, "Well dam, I didn't know you wanted me to leave."

"I just wanted to avoid the awkwardness after I sorta- violated you." He gulped.

I Didn't Know • Tomboo •Where stories live. Discover now