Anger took over between tejran

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Its been more that a week. But teja and karan are not growing closer infact distancing themselves with each other. Mostly we can say karan as anusha is hell bent to take his most of the time. Hardly few days karan come and make her sleep otherwise she just goes and sleep herself.

Its not fault of karan as well coz no matter what it is nobody can change the fact that karan loved her so much that he distanced himself from his family as well so its not a big deal for teja as she is not even his family.

They hardly do their dinner and lunch together as mostly time karan had his with his set of people which include him,rajiv,anusha,umar and vidhi.

Either she had her food all alone or with nishant and pratik. This distance is killing her but she can't force karan for anything as she don't have any right in him. She can clearly feel karan again getting attached to anusha and she knows that will only lead him again to heart break but she can't do anything about it. Even if she wants to evolve her around them she ends up irritated as they don't pay any attention tu her and only talk about past past.

And more to that this rakhi and devo keep repeating anusha kundrra which is geeting into her nerves and the fact about that karan does not even say aything as he don't want to involve him with them. But he does not seem how much it is affecting her. Or maybe he sees but ignore.

In morning there was task where teja was sanchalak but karan did not even come to her at once also to discuss anything. He was all doing it with his people in which clearly teja was not there. She was hurt or we can say more angry on him as he was forgetting her day by day and she was suffering badly coz of that. They did not talk to each other whole day. Karan was with his team all day and teja was just keeping herself busy in kitchen.

At evening karan and teja are sitting together after a long day talking about the issue and to solve them when anusha came to them.

Anu: Teja can uh go. I want to talk to karan something.

Teja: Yaa.

I stood up and hope that karan would stop me from going but my bad he did not even utter a single word. I completely went blank knowing that this can't be her sunny whom she love. He is completely change from the day she entered. I tried to calm myself but my storm inside did not calm it took me over and i silently moved from there giving them space.

Me and teja were talking finally after a whole day long when anusha came and she just rudely told teja to go from their it boils me up but i don't know why i did not even utter a word and let her go. I should hold her hand nd make her sit with me but i myself not knowing what i am doing. From the day anusha entered we just kept distancing. I know fault was all mine but maybe i am doing this to not listen again in wkw that i am giving all my time to just teja and i am loosing my game. I hardly spent time with her now and i can see how hurt she was and how much all she hide inside her that nobody knows coz she does not open up to anyone. Anusha kept talking with me about our past and i agree i am getting involved with her too much which will again this time lead to heart break and i will be again left alone coz this time teja will also be not there to handle him.

I took big steps leaving them behind and went directly to washroom and locked myself coz i just want to go out of this house. This house was killing her. This house is breaking her with all his will. She was already broken into pieces and when now she was finally collecting all her broken pieces again coz of someone she was again loosing it all. She just sat in floor hugging her knees tight.

I saw her going to washroom and i exactly know that she was broken all over again and this time she could not take it. She was loosing her calm the time she started going. I saw the hurt and tears she was hiding. I need to talk to her whole day she did not talk with me god knows why or maybe i know the reason but not admitting it. I ignored her in whole task coz me, anusha,rakhi,shamita are all in one team and if i would have talked to her it would clearly seen in screen as i am buttering her which i did not want but i should have atleast told her.

Match made in heaven❤जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें