2. D-119

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Unnecessary Enchantment
© 1952

Mabeobism is an ancient way of life, the introduction read, an ancient way which, although once helpful, is no longer necessary as we begin the modernization of the Korean Empire.

마법 Mabeobism: a Brief History

At the rise of Yi Seong-gye - the Great Joseon - Mabeob elders were among his closest advisors.

Yet, these pacifist people of the ancient right directly opposed the execution of dethroned King U and his son, King Chang.

The previous kings' execution, however, by unrivaled royal decree, was necessary for the health and survival of the Joseon's new dynasty.

Upon ascending the throne in 1392 a.d., Yi Seong-gye took the royal name of King Taejo.

King Taejo, in light of their previous opposition, desired to depose his Mabeon advisors from their righteous office.

Alas, when the king attempted to employ his divine right, a great storm broke from the heavens, destroying the new foundations of King Taejo's Gyeongbuk Palace.

This was taken as divine sign, and the Mabeob advisors were reinstated with full authority.

Throughout various Japanese invasions, however, the Mabeons would only dare help as aids: keeping the harvest bountiful and soliders healthy. Mabeon men themselves refused to fight for this noble and necessary cause.

Finally, the Japanese were successful in their occupation of the Korean Empire in the year 1894 a.d.

Perhaps if the Mabeon elders had allowed for a rescission of their pacifist policies, the Royal Korean army would have overpowered the Japanese forces.

Nevertheless, all great tragedies have two sides.

Since Mabeobian policy makes no regards for new enlightened thought, true aristocrats of our great empire discerned that Mabeobism is unnecessary - possibly even harmful - to the development of a modern society.

These elites understood that it is the duty of citizens to work as one. One, not under a white flag, but under the banner of free market. It is your duty, dear reader, to work united for the betterment of capital gain.

This was the introduction.

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The day after reading that introduction, Jongho's new phone arrived.

He placed the book on a shelf.

Even though Jongho may have preferred to feel the soft pages, and smell the hint of dust, and rest his eyes on the natural white, there was just something a little more... more, about his phone screen.

But as the days progressed, so did his path to nightmares.

Jongho stayed indoors.

He and Wooyoung passed entrance exams and were set to start university in the upcoming semester.

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