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Denki sighed as he woke up he'd barely gotten any sleep considering he was thinking about what had happened at his moms house.

She had gotten upset at his grades and she told him how she knew he was smart. Now he felt guilty and felt like he let her down with all her hard work she emitted into his brain.

He told her he was sorry and he would actually try instead of wasting his talent. She even lectured him about faking his quirk because apparently Mr. Aizawa suggested him practicing over the weekend.

He got up and finished some leftover homework before looking outside and noticed it was turning 6:00 soon.

He went to the bathroom and did all his regulars routines he walked out the bathroom and went to his secret mini fridge taking out a cold breakfast bar.

After he finished eating two he threw them in his trash can and switched his t.v on. He took some pills (regarding his quirk) before turning back to the t.v.



Denki flinched awake as he heard Iida yelling at everyone to wake up. He sighed in frustration and sat up taking his phone off the charger.

He noticed the voice mail inside his inbox that was sent almost 30 minutes ago.

“Hey Denki I have a surprise for you today, it’s in Mr. Aizawa’s classroom.” He rolled his eyes at her excited voice.

“Denki are you even awake yet!” Jirou yelled banging on the door. “Yes, I’m getting ready.” He yelled back.

He got his backpack and slipped on his shoes before putting grabbing another bar and sliding gum inside his pocket.

He walked out his room and shut the door.

“Hey Denks!” Mina smiled. “You’re done really early.” She said, Denki nodded. “Yeah I wake up early.” She nodded and Denki went downstairs.

“Wow Bro you're done early you aren’t usually out for another ten minutes.” Kirishima said as he munched on some cereal.

Denki smiled, “How was your weekend?” He asked, as he took a seat next to Kirishima.

“It was good my mom told me I had to bring English up what about you Denki I know your grades aren’t the best.” Denki shrugged and took a bite out of the cold bar.

“She said I had to start using all my true potential and to stop goofing off in class and to start turning in my homework.” Mina popped out of nowhere and glared at the two.

“I got a whooping.” She rubbed her Tushie and cried dramatically before going back to hang out with the girls.

“Everyone we’re leaving in 10 minutes!” Iida yelled. “Aizawa has a special guest and surprise for us all, Denki’s mother planned it.” Everyone turned to Denki and he just looked at them in a dumb manner.

“Did you all finish your homework last night?” Iida turned to Denki. “Yeah my mom made me do it in front of her.” He said rolling his eyes as he crunched up the paper from his bar.

“Ok all we have to do is wait for Sero.” Iida said.

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