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(Other title recommendations are accepted)

Denki pov.

"Good job Kaminari." Mr. Aizawa said, as he placed my paper down. It had a 70% plastered on it and even if he seemed proud, I myself was not. My mom would be overall upset, she'd bring up past grades and how I used to tried harder to improve.

Mr. Aizawa must've noticed my upset expression. He looked around the class before leaning down. "Hey, forget about your mom, as long as your grades are rising." He says in his usual monotone voice, though his expression gave another emotion.

I nod and he walks off. "Hey Denks, what'd you get?" Kirishima looks down at my paper after asking and gives me his signature toothy smile. "Good job Denks, you should feel proud." Thats the thing though, I wanna feel proud of myself but my mom being her makes it all the more difficult.

Even if I'm proud of myself she won't be, this is a pathetic 70, this shark needs to understand that I barely passed. Even though I hated his compliment a mid smile crosses my expression. "Thanks man." He gives a sympathetic smile and stares at my eyes before walking away.

He was probably watching the more than present eyebags on my face. Three hours of sleep was not my fortay. Four would've or even two would've been just fine!

The bell rang not to long after Aizawa finished handing out the papers and that told me and all my classmates that it was the end of the school day. As we're all walking back to the dorms and chatting I notice my mom outside the dorms.

"Uhm, Denki is that your mom?" Jirou teases, a frown graces itself on my face and a quiet groan leaves as I look down and a small blush graces my cheeks and ears.
"Hey!" Kirishima smiles and harshly pats my shoulder. "No need to be embarrassed dudette." But in fact it was, my mom practically treated me as if she just now started pressuring me in life.

As if we're closer than her and dad were...."Hey honey!" She smiles and pulls me into a hug. I hear some chuckling in the background as my classmates pass me. "Hi mom." She gives me a large smile and it stays like that as she glances at my bag. "So," She chuckles and looks at me as if there's an inside joke. "What'd my son get on his test?" Oh brother, if he were even here he would've just walked away from her himself.

But I know she'd never let me do that. She'd probably beat me senseless if I ever did. "A 70." As soon as she heard the seven her smile wavered and I could see the anger in her blueish yellow eyes. I turn my eyes away from her and glance at the bush's nearby its silent for a couple of minutes and once I look back at her.

Her smiles gone and she's holding back a glare. This is why its so hard to look at people, parents like this make it so difficult to do so. "I'll be honest," She began and her hand moves to her hip and her elbow moves behind her yellow tap.

"I expected more from you, you know how you were back then." She says, I frown. Why does she always use the same things?
"But, it's it's just like you've burnt out now." Her voice raises a bit and she looks back in the windows to see all of my class waiting for me in the living room.

"Why are they all waiting?" She questioned, she glares and her lips tighten around each other. "Are you telling our family business?" I quickly shake my head. "No mom, it's Friday they enjoy having game nights on days like these." She calms down and a small chuckle releases from her.

"I'm sorry sweetie, you know how I assume the worst." I frown, that's the worst huh?
"You shouldn't be playing games when your grades are so low anyways." I hold back a shrug and she all of a sudden smiles. "You know, Aizawa told me not to say anything, but I feel like I have to." She shakes her head and looks up at the sky both her hands on her hips.

"You shouldn't feel proud of a 70, you need to be smart to be a hero Denki, I've been telling you this ever since you've wanted this occupation." You've been telling me this since I was six. "You need strategy, you need strength, you practically show me none of that stuff." She looks at me and freezes and she suddenly looks more pi$$ed off.

"Don't cry son, you need to hear this!" She noticed she yelled way too loud, even class 1-b who was walking gave me sympathy glances, how embarrassing. Even the blonde a$$hole gave a sympathetic look and flinched at the yell itself.

"Look, you need to study instead of playing some buma$$ video games with your smarter friends." Her brows go up in an 180 degree angle up and now she looks more worried than ever. "I just want you to be successful son."

"I want the best for you."

"Good job Kaminari." Mr. Aizawa had said.

I guess that's the thought that counted.

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