* Chapter 2 *

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How we have managed to survive through all the chaos after people finding out we started dating is beyond explanation. I'm just glad I get to relax now that the weekend is here. I'm still shaken up by the accident with Jax but he seems to be doing fine. There is something else that's been bothering me though. It's something that no one can know right now since rumors are spreading with a lot of lies. A part of me misses there being trouble around and all the action and adventures I got involved in. I know it caused pain to a lot of people, my family included, but the feeling of fighting for something worthwhile is lacking in my life now.

What am I to do now? Have a normal life after everything that's happened? I don't want that. Everything has been too perfect without even a random kid stealing from shops. If I tell any of my friends about this, they'll probably tell me to remember how this is a good thing that there's no trouble. Then there's the possibility of our conversation being leaked to the scrolls and then they would involve Jax. "Former thief getting close to Prince to get gold." What a headline that would be.

No one would understand. Everyone is glad everything is over but I have a feeling we're not done yet and I'm scared that I won't be anyone but a reformed thief. Maybe I should just focus on the present and try to have a somewhat normal life.

Knock, Knock, Knock

"Come in!"

I sit up in my bed and turn to my dorm room door to find Maxine standing on the doorway. She's holding Peaches in her arms. That duck has a lot of nerve coming here after that stunt she pulled yesterday.


"Hello." I say through gritted teeth while glaring at Peaches.

"Peaches wanted to say sorry for what happened yesterday." As Maxine says this, Peaches angrily quacks at her repeatedly.

I cross my arms. "Does she now?"

Maxine looks at me with a smile and a nod. Her bad eye looking down. "Yes, she asked me to bring her this morning after breakfast. Right, Peaches?"

Quack, Quack

"I'm sorry, what was that, Peaches? I didn't quite catch that." I bring up a hand to my ear.


I flinch slightly but give a smug smile. "That's what I thought you said."

"Are you going to stay with your family this weekend?" Asks Maxine.

"Nah, I'm letting Anna have some alone time with them. How about you? Got any plans?"

She sits down next to me on the bed with a wide smile. Uh oh. "Well, I was just thinking of the upcoming party for Kayla's mom. We should all go shopping for dresses and jewelry!"

"And presents as well I'm guessing."

"Right, presents too."

Maybe it's just me but I feel like there's been way too many parties recently. "Well as much as I'd like to, I don't think going out is the best idea at the moment."

"I thought you'd say that but don't worry, I've got it all under control." She opens her bag which I didn't seem to notice before. After looking at the items inside, she pulls out.... Orange hair?

"Umm... that looks like a big orange rat. What is it exactly?" Please don't say a rat.

"It's a wig! Don't you just love the color?!" I stay staring at her while unconsciously blinking and opening my mouth. "You'll be disguised that way reporters don't know it's you. Ooh! And Jax too. Him and Ollie are coming with us." My heart skips a beat at the mention of my boyfriend.


I look down to Wilson. He has a point. After thinking about it, I decided on an answer. "I guess it would be good for us to go out. After all, we haven't been able to hang out like we used to." Maxine springs up from the bed and jumps up and down. I hope Jax gets to wear a pink wig. I wouldn't let him live it down.

After having my disguise ready, me and Maxine go to the guys' room where Kayla is already. To say the least, I felt fake. I just hope no one notices since everyone knows my friends. It would turn into a disaster and then reporters would be on the scene in merely seconds. It's not even me who I'm worried about, but Jax has been having a hard time lately. He hasn't said anything to me about it but I can see it when he dismisses any conversation having to do with his coronation. It's now less than a year away.

Raz has asked me about him every time we see each other. He has been ignoring his family for the past five months and I can tell they're worried about him. Of course, they don't try to talk to him as family, but as King, Queen, and Princess. They come to me for help but if I know Jax, he would want to talk about a compromise and how he could keep both of his lives. Once I see that as his family's approach towards him, then I'll give Jax a push to pursue his future as the leader I know he was born to become. That is one of his many traits that I lo-

"We're here!" AG snaps me out of my thoughts. Wait what?! When did AG get here? Before I get the chance to talk, the door to Ollie and Jax's dorm opens to reveal the pirate. I saw past him to where Jax and Kayla were talking. Both of them were sitting in some couches that Jax was able to sneak in some time back.

I could barely recognize him since he was wearing a brown wig of combed back hair. However, those hypnotizing violet eyes of his gave his identity away. The amount of times I have dozed off into those seemingly endless irises I have lost count.

I'm so lucky to have met a guy as kind, caring, brave, understanding, strong yet vulnerable, intelligent, and handsome as him. He is able to give comfort with a single look, safety with a warm hug, make me laugh with a mocking remark, melt with a shining smile, happiness with a laugh, and make me feel loved with his presence. Wait. Loved? What?! HUH?!?!?!


I snap out of my thoughts -again- and look in front of me to see none other than my boyfriend, Jaxon Porter, waving a hand in front of my face with a smirk. I feel heat rising to my cheeks as I hear the others giggling and "silently" fangirling. Especially Ollie and AG.

"Uh. S-So-" I gulp as Jax looks into my eyes. I decide to painfully look away towards our friends. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

As I start walking out of the room I hear Ollie whisper behind me. "Whenever you lovebirds stop daydreaming about each other." This earns a few snickers.

We decided to go through part of the forest so no one noticed a Pegasus carriage coming from FTRS on a "school day" when everyone but us had to stay inside.

Maybe I'm just paranoid but I keep hearing these shuffling sounds and even some whispers. Before I can point it out though, Kayla starts talking with AG about all the animals present. I'm probably hearing stuff. Right? But there's this feeling of magic near. Some kind of weird energy that I haven't really experienced but is does feel familiar.

The village comes into view and we decide to go to a new clothing shop before browsing for presents. Apparently Princess Ella was the inspiration behind the owner. He seemed to really admire her so he named the shop "Cinderella's Crew" which refers to her animal friends who helped her make her original dress to the ball. Before it was destroyed by her stepsisters of course.

I may not be a big fan of all the fancy outfits people wear but everything inside looked flawless and majestic.

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