*Chapter 5*

40 2 15

} Gilly {


There are flashes of light around the unlit area that come alive with brightness. I walk ahead as the lighting increases. It's coming from all around me, making it almost too bright for the dark area.

After a few steps, white granite walls with black and gold streaks start reaching up to a glass ceiling which shows the perfect night sky. There is a familiar crystal chandelier hanging from the middle of the ceiling.

The wall in front of me has an entrance high off the ground. Wait, that doesn't make sense... Golden stairs start to form from the sides of the entrance, joining by a platform right infront of the entrance that has become a hallway. Oh, there we go.

People start appearing around me as I continue to walk forward.

"The day has finally come," announced a voice, stopping me in my tracks. "Now that I am crowned, I will be joining the Royal Court. In addition, as you all may know, comes the opportunity to have a partner join as well."

People started to gasp and murmur. "He's already asked the question."

"I wonder who."

"He's so young!"

"Do you think it's that wretched thief?"

"I sure hope not."

"Enchantasia would become chaos if an undisciplined girl was part of the court."

Their words were like venom in my ears and heart. I don't need them to say who they're talking about to know it's about me. It has always been something I've dreaded for some time.

Did people really put up an act when I was around? The only person that I know didn't keep her opinions about me to herself is-

"I am honored to present you with my fiance. I know she will help Enchantasia become an even better place."

I finally looked up at the stairs where he was standing. He had a gold crown decorated with blue sapphires sitting on top of his head. He had a cotton white dress shirt on with a silk, light gray vest and matching jacket and dress pants. Obviously he also had newly polished black dress shoes and a perfectly positioned navy blue tie. He looked nothing short of charming. Especially with his hair neatly combed, curls coming down his face and violet eyes glistening under the light of the ballroom. His smile, perfect as ever.

He looked behind him and gestured for someone to come up next to him. My heartbeat faster than before, not knowing what to expect as I waited impatiently. My palms sweating from the suspense.

The room went quiet, the only sound being the elegant clicking of heels resonating from the hallway Jax was looking into. The sound gets closer with every second, until the person reaches the spot next to the prince.

My breath got stuck in my throat, my stomach tightened, and my eyes stung with tears threatening to spill.

"Jocelyn Porter."

The crowd cheers, writers move their pen across paper as fast as they can, getting comments from people around them. Cameras go off left and right with no sign of stopping.

"What is happening..."

It was barely a whisper but everyone seemed to have heard it. It seemed as if I shouted it because of how quick their sharp glares turned to me.

"Gillian," my heart skips a beat, forgetting the situation and looking for my boyfriend's welcoming, violet eyes only to be met by a stone cold stare. "I was wondering if you'd show up. I can't imagine you could do any more damage than you have already done, but I'm sure you thought of something."

The tears finally fell as I dug my nails onto the palms of my hands. "What did I do? What's going on?!" My voice trembles but I ignore it as soon as Jocelyn holds the skirt of her flawless black and purple gown to be directly next to Jax, linking her arm with his before sending me an obvious smirk from her pitch black lips.

Jax laughs, unamused, before raking his hair with his free hand. "What did you do? You never cease to surprise me," his jaw tenses as he speaks, venom placed onto each word. I open my mouth to speak when I see him shaking his head. "Is betraying Enchantasia something so insignificant to you that you don't remember even doing it? I thought you lov-" his tone becomes frustrated and Jocelyn notices, placing a hand on his shoulder to stop him from finishing his sentence.

He turns to her and she whispers something in his ear, causing him to nod silently before facing forward once more and clearing his throat, looking at me from the corner of his eye. "I'm sorry, everyone. I suggest you continue enjoying the party and ignore this.... Thief."

That nickname always warmed my heart and brought color to my cheeks, but now all of that was gone. The nickname that once made me feel wanted now felt like a spear puncturing my stomach.

I feel two pairs of arms dragging me away against my will. I thrash around as violently as I can but their grip doesn't loosen, preventing me from running to Jax for answers.

Nails dig into my arms, causing me to look back at the people dragging me. "Come on, Gillian, you've caused enough damage," explained Kayla with an annoyed tone.

"Kayla, what are you doing? Let me go!" I jerk my arm away from her, causing her to fall. The other person still holding me pushes me back.

"Don't ye dare touch her again!"

"Ollie, let me go!"

This is just a dream, this is just a dream, this is just a-

"Fine," he pushes me forward, a hole appearing on the ground in front of me, the bottom being so far down that it simply wasn't visible.

I fall into the endless abyss and look up at my friends' faces, filled with smiles and pride. I try to scream but no sound emits from my throat, only a silent yell from my heart as darkness engulfed me...

A/N: I just want to start by saying that I'm so sorry for not updating. I feel terrible but I just couldn't seem to execute my idea for this chapter. I'm not sure how soon the next chapter will come but I'm working on it, slowly but surely. I just hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and hope it was somewhat worth the wait. 🫠🙃

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