Paint or Ink

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Marina tilted her head at the object in Pearl's hands. "And you're saying he requested this himself?"

Pearl nodded, tilting the object around as well. "Yeah...and then he called me a queen, which was...weird. Like I know all my branding is Princess themed but he seemed serious and...I dunno. It's weird."

Marina chuckled and flicked the empty space on Pearl's head where her crown usually sat. "Maybe you were wearing the crown and he interpreted it literally?"

The Inkling frowned. "Y'know, now I don't remember. Maybe." She looked up, the pair having arrived at the Salmonid in question's door. She knocked.

"Oh!! Ah, um, who is it?" Called a voice that was definitely not Deco.

"Meep?" Pearl questioned.

"Oh, hey Pearl! You can come in!" Meep called back.

Pearl shrugged. Eh, she was probably just hanging out with him and Benny. It wasn't like it was too weird in the grand scheme of things.

But then she pushed the door open and was met with a messy scene.

A large tarp covered most of the floor, and on top of it was a canvas. The canvas too was large, large enough that someone could comfortably walk around on it. And they knew that, because that's exactly what Benny was doing.

His feet were covered in paint, layered in different colors the further up his foot you went, but currently dark blue. The canvas was covered in footprints.

Marina and Pearl stared in mild confusion, and the Octocopter stared back with an embarrassed expression.

"Uh...h-hi." He murmured.

Marina was the first to reply, and her lips curled up in a slight smile. "Well, you guys look like you're having fun in here."

Benny gave a sheepish nod. Deco nodded as well, giving a proud smile. "Ye! Friend Benny good at art!"

Pearl wouldn't call herself an artist, that was more Marina's department, but the current product of Benny's efforts was...rough. She didn't voice said observation, because she wasn't a jerk. "Where'd you guys get all this stuff, anyway?" She inquired instead.

Meep gave a faint laugh. "I bought it! I was saving up turf war money after Benny said he used to make pictures with his ink back underground. Wanted to give him another opportunity! With more color options!"

Benny gave another sheepish nod. "I-it's not very good, I'm not really an expert, b-but I am having fun."

Marina shook her head. "No, it's good!" She argued. "You're working with the tools available to you, limited though they might be, and making something out of it! It's admirable, and impressive."

Benny's face went flushed blue at the praise. "O-oh! Really..? You think so?"

"Ye! Agree! Got determination, drive! Talent! Passion! Benny good!" Deco shouted in agreement, slapping his fins together.

Meep clapped as well. "Yeah, go Benny! I'm proud of you!"

Benny let out a squeaky noise. "Aaa, guys, stop being so nice, I'm gonna explode! You gotta let finish my drawing before I die of embarrassment!" He tapped his feet in place, leaving a few new dark blue splotches on the canvas.

Pearl couldn't help but grin at the display. It was nice seeing Meep and Benny together, and honestly Deco was a much more positive presence in the little pod than she'd been expecting. The three were very good friends for each other.

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