What she does when your mental health is shit ♡

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cuddles so many cuddles all the time plus kisses no matter what

-she cancels everything for you meetings, family gatherings, interviews, work, etc

-she likes to whisper a lot of sweet stuff to help you like "Your the one for me" "Your my soulmate" "stay strong mama's it'll get better i promise" "Don't cut the time we have together short"

-She hides it but she cries a lot when your in a episode because she can't bear the thought of losing you

-If she ever sees fresh cuts on any part of your body she'll bandage you up and just hold you and you guys will just cry together on the floor it's silent but after you both have a bit peace of mind

-lots of take out from your favorite restaurant and your favorite shows 

-Just love in general you saved her from a lot of bad shit so she loves supporting you to help repay you a bit

Authors Note:Hey I just want to say my dms are open to anyone i don't have to say anything i can just listen know your not alone stay safe

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