Things you do that piss her off ♡

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Your very dramatic and jealous those two traits plus a girlfriend who's a singer and very pretty do not mix well once you guys we're eating and Bil ended up talking to the waiter more than you.. Or so you thought you being pissed didn't talk to her for the rest of the day and it ended up into a huge fight that ended with her leaving to Finneas and you staying at home still pissed she hates this because it causes so many fights between you both and you being dramatic only escalates it she also hates whenever you talk bad about yourself once when you called yourself fat she got pissed and ended up yelling 'That's a fucking insult to people who are actually struggling with weight" you then called yourself ugly making her more pissed and she yelled "I'm gonna stop buying you makeup until you realize your beautiful" she said then proceed to throw away all the makeup she bought you

Authors note: I know this is shit please leave a request or smt writers block is hell stay safe 

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