Mental health day

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"Mama's?" I yell and hear no response "Bubs?" I yell getting more panicked  I drop all my stuff and run up and knock on our bedroom door seeing it closed "Babe! Please say your in there" i yell I see the door unlock and run in and see her collapsed on the floor I automatically know and 

pick her up and lay her on the bed and cuddle her she cuddles into me "Hard day?" i ask just wanting to hear her voice "Hard week" she responds I place my chin on top of her head and quietly cry "i'm gonna cancel the family dinner ok?" she just nods I call Finneas "Hi i'm gonna 

cancel dinner it hasn't been a good week for Y/N" I say "Oh is she ok is there anything we can do?" he asks I try not to let it known i'm crying 'No if you could tell Mom and dad that would be great thank you bye" I hang up "Stay strong mama's it'll get better I promise" I say running my

Fingers through her hair I order from her favorite restaurant I sit her up "How do you love me I mean look at me i'm a mess" she says I kiss her and hold her tightly "your wonderful and beautiful and every single thing I could ever want in life" I say just holding her tightly "How about we do F/H?" 

(favorite hobby) i ask "No I don't feel up to it" I hear the food and go get it I place it infront of us I see she's not eating at all "Mama's you need to eat" I say holding her hand 'I'm not hungry I just want to sleep" she says laying down I pick up the room a bit while she sleeps I book her an appointment for therapy and lay with her and fall asleep with her in my arms "It'll get better princess i'm here for you" I say right before falling asleep for good

Authors note: Hey I wanted to make this as realistic as possible so if there is something not realistic or untrue please tell me but again my dms are open you don't have to go though this alone i'm not a pro but I have some groups I can recommend stay safe 

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