Chapter 1 (The traitor amongst the group)

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      If you have seen my other stories then this is probably Going to be VERY different from what I write on a basis.
R.I.P Technoblade 🕊
Lets get started.

     "BIG MANNNN" Tommy said as he started to get closer to Tubbo. "Hey Tommy, listen I'm not really in the mood right now." Tubbo said quit harsh. "..." Tommy new that when Tubbo gets like this he won't be able to do anything that angers the short goet. "I'm sorry Tommy it's just I'm not feeling the best right now..." Tubbo said immediately regretting the harsh voice he used on his best friend. "No! I mean,no. It's fine Tubbo I should've kept my mouth shut." Tommy said, he has just started behaving like himself after the whole Dream accident... :) "Big man I'm so-" Was all Tubbo said before Tommy put his fake face on. "It's fine Tubbo.. I just thought we could spend time like we used to" Tommy made the last part so quite that almost nobody could hear, unless you are a hybrid. "I-...Tommy is that how you really feel-" Tubbo sadly once again was interrupt my the loud child. "Nah it's fine, bye tubs..." and with that,as fast as he came,he left. "Papa?" And with that Tubbo lost all focus on what had just happened with his best friend, instead he had all his attention on the little pigling right in front of him. "Yes Micheal?" The goat boy said while picking up the little pigling. "When is uncle Techno coming back?" And with that Tubbo broke. "I'll explain when your older alright?" Was all the goat boy could say without falling into tears because of the fallen villain.And with that they went home to do what ever a good family does.
(Techno and Tubbo had a brotherly relationship which was broken after the first- second war)


    "Can you guys believe I thought that I could actually make amends with Tubbo?" I said,not talking to anyone in particular.
   (Comment if you want to be a voice and what #)
Voice (1): Tommy nooo :(

Voice (4): Can anyone fill me in? I was in school ;-;

Voice (8):Tubbo just got mad at Tommy and had a fight :[

Voice (3):Friendship ended arc???

Voice (7):"Friendship ended arc???" 😭💅✨

Voice (5):YALL.I WILL BEAT TUBBO'S BUT🩴🩴🩴🩴🩴🩴🩴🩴🩴
Voice (6):sigh- *Gets chancla*

"Giggles Thanks guys.." was all I thought, even though the voices can get annoying sometimes they always find a way to make me smile. "What if I went back? Only for the day/night of course." Was I worth it? Being caught trying to sneak out of the DSMP to see my actual friends. "Oh fuck it." Was I really doing this? Was all I could think of as I grabbed my stuff to make sure I get there safely.


         "I'm sure no one saw me,right?"




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