Chcapter 4 (There is no way....right?)

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Bad thought are coming into my mind while writing this :)
   Tubbo pov:

"Ranb-boo?" No...Tommy isn't a traitor! He can't be. He's my best friend. "I-I'm sorry Tubbo I don't know anymore..." No,NO! I WONT ACCEPT IT TOMMY ISNT THE TRAITOR- HE-HE (Micheal Jackson that you?) HE FPUGHT WITH ME. "... this isn't real right?TELL ME THIS ISNT REAL RANBOO! THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL TOMMY IS A TRAITOR! HE CANT BE,HE IS MY BEST FRIEND!- ...right?..." no no no no no NO NO NO NO. Why did I lash out on Ranboo? But it feels so good... "DAMN IT RANBOO TELL ME THIS ISNT FUCKING REAL YOU BITCH!HE IS MY BEST FRIEND HE WOULD NEVER FUCKING DO THIS!- THEY ARE PROBABLY MIND CONTROLLING HIM! Yeah...HAHAHAHAHA BAHAHHAHAHAH!!! YEAH THATS WHAT IS GOING ON....right?" I-I didn't mean to do that- fuck. "Tubbo?" Did I really make my husband want to have a divorce? No no no no...please no. "TUBBO!" And with that I noticed how much I was crying,I'm hurting boo... "I-I I'm-m so-so so-rry" I can't take it anymore, I can't even form a proper sentence....

Ranboo's pov:

"Tubbo,hey look at me" I took Tubbos face in my hands and wiped away the tears that where falling out of his eyes.I don't give two shits I just have to make sure Tubbo is doing ok. "Listen Tubbo we are going to get through this mess,and I promise you there is a logical explanation to this whole thing. Just please don't cry..." and with that,thankfully Tubbo stopped the crying. "Boo.... I don't know what to do,should we go and ask Tommy why he knows the BB boys?" I didn't know what to say so I just looked down...I'm a coward aren't I? One of my friends are probably the biggest treat to the smp and I'm just here,watching from afar.



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