Chapter 1

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2 months had passed since the 'Lihfity incident'. To him, it was the longest 92 days of his life. Though everyone had moved on by then, Lihfity never fully accepted it or moved on. It had always been weighing heavy on his mind since it happened. The day he had eagerly waited for was today. The day that would be allowed back into the team.

He was never officially kicked out but at the same time he felt like he was. He has quite a few haters that he knew were praying for him to not return and that was what he liked the most. It was never shown but deep down he quite enjoyed the negative attention that he received.

He always felt the need to prove himself to those that thought less of him. So during those months, he spent all of his time grinding. He worked as hard as he possibly could, getting better day by day his excitement grew. He hoped that when he came back they'd give him the praise he deserved the praise that he had worked so hard for. He even neglected his needs and pushed away the people closest to him so he could achieve this goal he had set for himself.

The day that he got his results was he happiest day of his life. He felt like he was on top of the world after that. It felt like was the biggest achievement that he'd ever made. He was proud of himself.

Now was the time to share this accomplishment. So he set out to go meet up with everyone at their usual hang-out spot. He hadn't been there for a while and was a little nervous but more excited than scared. He secretly hoped things hadn't changed much.

The boy happily made his way toward the familiar building. Reaching the door as he slowly opened it.

"I'm back mother fuckers!" He exclaimed with a smug look on his face knowing he wouldn't be met with smiles. And that was exactly what he got, few people groaned in annoyance. His presence made everyone annoyed even though he had just arrived. Some didn't seem to care at all which bothered Lihfty a lot.

"Ay man welcome back" Zerlex said now taking Lihfty's attention off those that didn't respond to his presence.

Lihfity nodded and let out a small "thanks" not fully acknowledging the boy that was now stood in front of him.

He decided to walk around a bit just to see if anything looked different from when he last saw it. There were no major changes, maybe a few stuff was moved around but nothing worth pointing out. He wanted to tell everyone about what he had achieved during those 2 months. He was sure that no one else in the team had achieved or could achieve what he had. He felt like he could do anything because he'd done their team a big favour. So with this, he made his way toward the front where it would be easier to get everyone's attention waving over Zerlex in the process.

Zerlex quickly made his way to the younger boy. "Can you get everyone's attention for me? I have an announcement to make."
Zerlex nodded already knowing the intentions of the boy.

Zerlex cleared his throat loudly gathering attention from few people. "Yo I'ma need y'all attention Lihfty has something to say" he said loudly now gaining attention from everyone except one. Zerlex stood to the side giving him some space to make his announcement.

"By now you should already know that I was the first in the team to qualify for FNCS" He said smirking and straightening himself so he would stand taller. He was hoping he would be congratulated for such a big achievement. Instead, he was met with silence. This was noticed by Zerlex so he moved towards him and said "Ay man that's cool." Before nodding and patting his back and moving away.

This however didn't help at all. Why was no one else saying anything? He took a deep breath and spoke again.

"You guys should be grateful. I'm literally the only one keeping this team afloat right now!" Lihfty said angrily now glaring at everyone.

"No one gives a shit." An unfamiliar voice said throwing Lihfty off guard, "who the fuck was that?" He thought to himself while watching this person step out of a nearby room. Everyone's attention quickly turned to the boy that was now walking toward him.

"Goofy. Nobody was talking to you." lihfty replied now staring at the person that was now a few feet away from him. He was in utter shock, he had never seen this person before.

Wearing a tight black t-shirt and sweat plants. His muscles bulging through his shirt. He had quite the athletic build. Muscular but not too heavily. His dark orbs captivating and his wife lips. I'd broad raised after he examined the other.

"Oh my bad, but I don't seem to remember caring" the other said faking a pout.

"Who even is this bozo?" Lihfty let out in an almost iterated tone mocking the boy's facial expression and laughing about it to himself.

The other boy completely ignored the comment and went over to where Jofty was sitting. "That's the one y'all mentioned?" He asked knowing the answer would be yes because of Lihfty's behaviour. Jofty hummed in response.

By then everyone but a few had turned their attention back to what they were doing before.

Lihfty went up to the seemingly older boy and then stared at him before opening his mouth to say something. "What's your problem? And who are you?" He said in a bit of a whisper gaining the other boy's attention.

"you act like people owe you something, nobody owes you anything brat." Lihfty was shocked to hear this but before he could reply he was cut off. "Also my apologies for not wearing a name tag but just call me West." the older said calmly.

"Oh well just so you know 'west' I've been here longer than you so" Lihfty replied scoffing at the boy's previous comments that still replayed in his mind.

Lihfty didn't even give him a chance to reply as he walked away quickly going to his desk to rethink everything that had just happened. So his name is West. He thought to himself. In all honesty, he was kind of happy to know that he'd have someone new to argue with. Not to mention that West was kinda good looking. But not in a 'gay' way just a normal way...


I think this was horrible but I did write 1100 words so I achieved my goal 😋😋
so that's good. Anyways hopefully my writing improves along the way 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


See u in chapter 2!

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