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"There you go baby!" Amazi laughed, bringing his hand back to slap Jordyn's ass after she dropped a 180 pound weight bar from her back

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"There you go baby!" Amazi laughed, bringing his hand back to slap Jordyn's ass after she dropped a 180 pound weight bar from her back.

"Aw fuck," She hissed, her hamstrings burning from the second set of fifteen squats she'd done with the weights.

"Stretch Jordyn, don't let that shit lock up. Let's go." He tapped her thigh, and she pulled off the waist band she wore, watching it drip sweat while she sat it on the floor.

He coached her to do the lunges in the correct format so that it stretched out her entire leg, even though the position hurts.

"That's that shit. Don't cry baby." He laughed, kissing her cheek after seeing how deep her frown was.

"It hurts so bad. Oh fuck." She stood upright after feeling her ab muscles lightly cramp up, and Amazi held her arms straight up in the air to stretch out her upper body.

"Keep that shit tight. Don't let up." He referred to her ab strength, wanting her to flex them to help ride out the cramp.

He laughed once she rested her weight on him, falling in a hug into his arms.

"You need a break?" He chuckled, gripping a handful of her ass in his hands while she slowed down her breathing in an attempt to lower her heart rate.

"I need some water." She held his shoulders while he carried her over to a resting bench.

He passed her a tall bottle of purified water, and she downed it within a minute or so, drinking another one.

"I need something cold." She pouted at him, and he smiled, grabbing his cold cool blue Gatorade from his gym bag to give to her.

"Thank you boo." She kissed his cheek, popping the top off of the liquid replenisher.

Amazi and Jordyn were currently at the gym that Jordyn usually went to, and it was pushing four in the morning.

After their date to Studio Movie Grill last night, both of them found out that the other was a gym freak. Somehow they ended up at Planet Fitness, and had been there for about two hours or so.

During that time, Amazi showed her different squats and dead lifts, teaching her ab and breathing control because her technique wasn't the greatest-just needed a bit of improvement.

Jordyn could honestly admit that this had been the best date she'd ever been on. Like, who frequented the gym for a date? It was both very rare, and very exciting. She loved to workout in her spare time.

She had work at the elementary school at 7AM, but she didn't even mind missing sleep for Amazi. He was very sweet to her, and he'd fulfilled his promise on making sure she enjoyed herself.

"Aight let's get some HIIT in mama." He pulled her up from the seat, and she groaned in tiredness, making him laugh.

"I'm already sore Amazi, no. Damn, you fucking gym freak." She frowned up at him, turning it into a smile as he continued to laugh.

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