Now You're Just Somebody That I Used to Morb

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"The unsub was spotted in a boat. He had long black hair, weird fucked up face, said, 'It's Morbin' time!" Hotch explained to the BAU."Wait, fucked up face how?" Spencer asked.Suddenly, the wall burst through. "Did somebody call for... MORBIUS?"The BAU all looked at the man who just broke into the FBI."Holy shit, Michael Morbius?!" Spencer exclaimed. They went to university together, they were both getting several doctorates. "That's our unsub?"
"REID, MOVE!" Hotch yelled as Morbius lunged at Spencer. Luckily, Spencer got out of the way before Morbius could get to him. "Hey man what the hell! we went to school together- we were friends, remember?!" Spencer exclaimed. "You really thought we were friends?"
"Yes! Of course I did! I even loved you..." Spencer only whispered the last bit, but Morbius had super bat hearing, so of course he heard it."You... What?" Morbius echoed back in a confused yet hopeful tone."For a genius, you can be pretty dense sometimes, I'm surprised you didn't notice." The agent laughed back bitterly.Hotch cleared his throat angerly, somewhat annoyed that someone else's love life is going better than his own. He'll have to speak to his agent about this later. "Well, I'm afraid I can't stop now, even for you Reid. I'm this close to the cure." He stated."I'm afraid we can't let you do that Michael." Said Rossi. "Light 'em up boys."The team pulled out their weapons and fired on Morbius, killing him instantly,"NOOOOO!!!" Cried Reid, running over and crying into his limp body. He sobbed there all night until JJ came to comfort him.

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