Chapter 6

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up with Sapnap standing over me.

My eyes were still a little blurry but I can still see a little.

"Hey your awake" Sapnap says

"Hmm" I say

"The teacher told me you had a little wonder last night, he was worried sick for you and still is, apparently he stopped you just before you went down to the beach, he was calling you name but you just kept trying to walk down to the beach" Sapnap says

"My head hurts" I say

"Yeah I know but come on we have to get to class" Sapnap says. I get out of bed and Sapnap leaves the room

I get changed and I fall to the ground. I grab my hair and groan loudly. Sapnap runs into the room and kneels down next to me. My vision goes blurry and I pass out.


I wake up in the classroom and the tecaher is looking at me.

I sit up in my chair and look at the teacher.

"You okay Dream?" The teacher asks

"I think" I say

"Okay" The teacher says. I listen to the teacher as he teaches the lesson.

"Dreamm You were so closee come back to mee"

I try not to listen to the voice but it was so hypnotising.


I look at Sapnap. I didn't realize that my head fell on the table in a loud bang.

"Sorry" I say

"Are you sure your okay?!" Sapnap says

"No" I say "I am not sure at all"

"Just sleep if your head hurt" Sapnap says

"Okay" I say. I lay my head on the table.

"Dreamm I can give you so much love and caree You just need to come to me my Princee"

I try not to lesson but my body says otherwise. I twitch and Sapnap's attention turns on me.


I wake up to no one in the room but the teacher. I get up and walk outside it was night time.

I walk to my dorm and open the door, I put my backpack down. I walk into my room, take a shower then go into bed.

I shut my eyes and try to fall asleep.

"My Princee I am waiting for youu"

My vision becomes blurry and and I get up and walk down to the beach. I made it to the beach and I fall to the sand in front of the water.

George shows up and wraps his tail around me.

"You came my Princee" George says. I was pulled under the water.


I wake up on the sand. I look around to see Sapnap runing to the entrance to the beach.

He runs down to me.

"Dream what are you doing down here" Sapnap says. I feel a tail wrap itself around me and pull me under.

I wake up in the classroom with everyone else still in the room.

Sapnap looks at me and I look at him.

"You okay?" Sapnap asks. I nod.

I instantly forgot what my nightmare was about. I close my eyes and fall back asleep.

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