Chapter 1

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Ash's POV

“Hey Ash!” Everyone who passed me greeted.  I tried to block the wide-eyed stares of all the girls at my completely gorgeous boyfriend.  Aiden had black hair, and blue eyes that sparkled like the stars, he was tall, his lips were so kissable, his smile was worth dying and his body is just amazing, even better than an Abercrombie model.  Even the guys can’t help but stare. Every girl wanted have him, and every boy wanted to be him.  Aiden tightened his grip on my waist. No matter how long we dated, his touch still sent a million volts of electricity through my body, though every time I’m around him, I feel so insecure. He is completely gorgeous and I’m just an ordinary girl with black hair, green eyes, average hight, nothing special. Aiden tightened his grip on my hand as if sensing my insecurity, and I felt much better.

A memory suddenly popped into my head.

"Aiden walked up to my on Valentines with a dozen roses in his hand, he knelt on the parking lot road and waited for me to be dismissed. Rain started to pour, When I saw him, with his wet hair and clothes, I just wanted to be in his arms. He slowly got up and handed me the roses. He leaned in closer and whispered “Be my valentine”

“Hey Aids, wanna catch a movie after school?” I asked him suddenly smiling widely at the memory. I wanted to spend more time with him. But as always, he just stared at his shoes without even acknowledging me.  Aiden has been distant lately, always lost in his own thoughts. It irritated me, he is the only one capable of turning on my bitch switch.

“You know Aids, if you don’t want to be with me, why didn’t you just spare us both the misery?” I said walking away before tears start to fall out. I turned back expecting to see him chase after me telling me he was sorry, but he just stared as I walked away from him like he didn’t even care, I didn’t think anyone could hurt me as bad as he did. Many girls already started crowding him not even bothering to wait until I was out of sight.

“Ash, talk to me. Of course I want to be with you. Being with you is what takes me away from misery.” Aiden whispered with desperation in his voice during History class. 

“Sometimes I need what only you can provide, your absence.” I tried to turn my attention back to Mr. Samsworth. 

“Americans treated the Japanese with....”  Mr. Samsworth voice drifted away. The thought of Aiden crept into my mind. ‘Maybe he was seeing someone else?’ ‘Maybe I have done something wrong.’ ‘Maybe he just doesn’t want me anymore.’ My heart filled with despair at that thought. 

“Ms. Ash Miller. Pack your things and come to my office without any delay.” The principal's gruff voice sounded on the speaker. I felt the eyes of every student staring at me as I quickly shoved everything into my bag. I tried avoiding eye contact as I exited class. I walked briskly to Principal Harrison’s office. I felt a slight shiver pass through my body. Someone is watching me, I can feel it, I've always thought it was just paranoia from my movies and books, but now I'm sure. Just as I was about to pull out something for self defense, Mr. Harrison walked out of the men’s room. I yelped in surprise.

“Ms. Ash Miller, I didn’t mean to startle you. Your dad is in the office.” Mr. Harrison ushered me towards his dingy looking office. His long white beard swayed back and forth in a way that disgusted me.

“My dad? I’m sure you’ve got the wrong student, I haven’t seen my dad for fourteen years.” I said feeling my heart twist in many different angles.

“Your dad is Mr. William Miller isn’t it? I’m never wrong, Ms. Miller. Watch your mouth around me.” Mr. Harrison said as he ushered me to his office.

“Yes, Mr. Harrison.” My voice was a hoarse whisper. I’ve never been into his office before, not that I cared, it looked like a house of rats, bats and snakes. I gasped in surprise when the door was pushed open. There were red velvet curtains draped on the corner, the floor was covered with a white plush carpet. He had a chandelier made out of crystals hanging in the middle of the high ceiling. I gaped at all the Apple laptops that sat on his desk. I felt a tinge of jealousy stir inside me. He had a wide flat screen plasma TV with a bucket popcorn sitting beside it. He had two bean bags that looked inviting. My eyes scanned his amazing office until my gaze fell upon my father. He sitting comfortably on the chair, one leg perched on the table. He was dressed in an expensive black suite with a red tie around his neck, designed with black stripes. He stood up and cleared his throat. ‘Wow, I might go to hell for thinking this but damn, he is so hot.’ I thought, and felt myself blush. My dad chuckled as if reading my thoughts. I’m sure every girl swoons as he passes by.

“So... How has your life been?” He asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

“How has your life been? Seriously? You’ve been gone since I was two, and never dropped by at least to say, ‘Hey Ash!’ For fourteen years, you never cared about me and now you ask me, how has your life been?” Anger replaced the surprise in me. I tried to hold back my tears, not wanting to look weak in front of my father.  For a moment I thought I saw regret in his eyes but it was gone fast enough for me to think that I could have imagined it. My eyes started to blur, tears fighting to come out, but my anger replaced my sadness. For all those years, I just wanted a father, someone to tuck me in bed at night, read me a bedtime story, have dinner with, attend the father-daughter ball. I’ve always wanted him back, but now that he is here, I just want him to go away.

“I’m sorry Ash, I wanted to be here with you and your mother.”

“Then why didn’t you? Mom works double shifts just so I could go to school. Whenever I see her, she is always tired and I couldn’t be of much help to her. If you never left, mom would have had an easier life. I just hope you loved her enough and let her live a perfect life for the two years your face was in the family pictures. We have waited for you to come back for years and finally moved on, and that is when you choose to show. You can’t just leave then come back and expect that we would welcome you with open arms and act like you never left.” I couldn’t help it anymore, tears were streaming down my face. My face was all red and I could feel my tears falling to my shoes.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be there for you, but I am here now and I would really like to start over as your dad."

“As my dad? I don’t know anything about you, not your age, not your job, not where you have been all this time. NOTHING!” I shouted the last word. I wanted to rip his throat apart and feed it to the dogs.

“34, private investigator, Russia.” He said with a smile filled with pride that made my anger rise above my head. I turned around and walked away without another word to him.

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