please read - very fed up at this point

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i'm so sorry i didn't upload another update (currently working on one so stay tuned!). to those who are taking the time to read this, thank you! i appreciate you! it's currently 1am, almost 2am and i am annoyed and fed up.

i was scrolling through tiktok as one does and once in a while i'll get a tiktok that is like "___ members as your boyfriends/girlfriends" or "dates __ members would take you on" you get the point.

so i was just scrolling away and this tiktok came on my fyp of a specific group as manipulative boyfriends. i decided to watch it cause i love watching tiktoks like these and while watching it i notice how similar the tiktok is to something. then i remember i uploaded an update called "how manipulative characters would be played by enhypen".

so i go on wattpad and click on that update and watch the tiktok while looking at my work i published a couple months ago. and what do i notice? i notice that the tiktok is exactly like an update i did. i start laughing because of how funny this whole situation is. usually when people copy my work i have people message me letting me know the situation which i appreciate a lot. but this time the tiktok literally showed up on my fyp which was funny to me.

right off the bat i had a feeling this person may have copied more of my work so just to be sure, i click on their profile and look at all their tiktoks. there i find that 3 more tiktoks are exactly like some of my other updates. not gonna name which exact updates but just know they were the exact same, literally almost word for word (since for some they shortened the sentences).

i tried to message them but i couldn't so instead i left a comment letting them know this situation. i'm hoping they can be understanding and take those posts off their page or they may block, guess we won't know until a few hours from now.

at this point i'm so fed up. i work hard to make interesting updates for you all and make sure to give credits when i'm inspired by someone off of tiktok or something. i do that cause it's the right thing to do. but when someone just goes and steals your work thinking you won't find out is just annoying and flat out disrespectful. authors take their time on their books and updates and to have someone steal it like it's their own work is just rude.

i enjoy uploading because i love writing and getting kind feedback from people. it's the reason i still update this book! but people like this just bring my motivation down and make me question if i should keep updating or not. like, why keep updating if someone is just gonna steal my work (word for word) without giving me credit? it's just ridiculous at this point.

i'm hoping this can be the last time because it's just annoying. i also hope that this person can be understanding and take down those posts. let's hope they aren't one of those people who just block me when i confront them about it cause i swear people like that annoy me so much and make my blood boil a lot.

anyways had to rant about this cause this had happened like what? 3-4 times already?? hopefully it'll just stop cause i'm tried of it already.

will be updating with an actual update soon!! thanks to those who read this and listened to my rants, love you guys!!

update : they replied to my comment and apologized for what they did and said that they saw someone on tiktok do something similar and that they didn't mean to copy me. they did delete those tiktoks that were exactly like my work which i appreciate them doing that. thank god they were understanding!!

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word count: 672 words
written: 07/06/22
edited: 07/06/22

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