i'm back + suggestions

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hey guysssss!! long time no see. i haven't updated this book since april and all i want to say is i'm so sorry. i haven't had any good ideas that i wanted to write plus i wasn't feeling that motivated to update either.

not only that but i also wanted to focus on the 2 months of my junior year and focus on my finals as well and i can gladly say i ended my junior year with a 4.0 gpa!! now it's the summer before my senior year and i've been focused on getting my drivers license as well as finding a job which i haven't had any luck with but hopefully i'll find one soon.

anyways i've been wanting to update this book again since i'm still not ready to end it. if you guys have any suggestions feel free to comment them below and i'll try my best to get through most of them.

before you leave a suggestion though please keep these requirements in mind.

1. i will not do any suggestions that have to do with sexual themes. this includes any kind of smut. i don't feel comfortable with writing them and although most of the members are of age, we still have a minor in the group.

2. any of these suggestions can include reactions, imagines, most likely/least likely, etc. if you do leave a imagine idea though, please let me know the plot of the imagine as well as the member you want me to write about and i'll try my best to write it to your liking!!

3. please note that there could be a chance i don't get to your suggestion ideas. sometimes it could be because there's a lot of suggestions i get and sometimes when people leave a suggestion, i don't really know what to write for it therefore i don't do their suggestion. if this does occur with your idea please don't be upset or think that i ignored your idea (and also sometimes people can have the same idea but i'll try my best to give credit to both people, or more if more people have the same exact ideas)

4. please don't dm me your suggestions. i know in the beginning of my book i did say feel free to dm me but when it comes to messaging me privately, sometimes wattpad doesn't notify me when someone messages me so please just leave a comment of your idea cause i'll be able to get the notification that way.

please keep these in mind when you leave a suggestion!! i'm sorry if it seems like a lot but i just want to make my point clear!! i hope people still read this update since i haven't updated in a while so idk if people forgot about this book or just don't care for it anymore. i promise i still want to write this book before deciding to end it officially. anyways i hope you all have a good day/night!! will be going to sleep now since it's 1am. love you!!! 🩷

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word count: 523 words
written: 07/13/23

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