sunghoon as your boyfriend

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to all my sunghoon stan's, i am so sorry for the wait, your girl is currently studying for finals 🥲 but before i get too stressed out, here's the update for you guys!!

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before relationship:
- the way you and sunghoon would meet would be through school
- now this is gonna be cliche but i can totally see this happening
- sunghoon is the boy everyone has a crush on and this includes you
- i mean let's be honest, if we all saw sunghoon at our school we would all have a crush on him
- and with that comes sunghoon's popularity
- the boy is hella popular which lowkey boosts up his ego but let's not talk about that
- you and sunghoon don't really interact much. the most you've talked to him was when you guys were put into groups in class and had to work on some questions together
- that was pretty much it and you believed that you two would never be together
- but little did you know, sunghoon was over here crushing on you the whole time
- the second he saw you in class, it's like his whole world has changed
- this boy would literally admire you from afar when you weren't looking
- he would literally ignore all the girls just so he could see you walk to your next class
- i feel like sunghoon would try his hardest to try and talk to you but it never works out
- so he decided to take things into his own hands and he simply went up to you, said that he thought you were cute and would ask to hangout with you
- of course you were shocked and honestly thought it was a prank but you saw that he was being dead serious and so you agreed
- and from there, you guys started hanging out more and texting each other and soon enough, y'all started dating

during relationship:
- you two would definitely be the most popular couple in school
- i mean come on, sunghoon is quite popular himself so why wouldn't you be the popular it couple
- and with this comes sunghoon wanted to show others that your his and that he's yours
- just like jake, he'd be so happy to call you his
- i feel like when it comes to affection in public, sunghoon is not too big of it
- he isn't a fan of kissing in public and stuff like that
- but he would love to hold your hand whenever you two are out with each other
- i can definitely see him as the type to put your hand in his pocket when you say your hands are cold
- sunghoon would always ask for consent to make sure you're comfortable and he would expect you to do the same with him
- seeing you happy makes him happy as well, so whenever you're feeling sad, this boy would literally plan a last minute date just to make sure you feel happy and loved
- and if there isn't time for a last minute date, he would buy you a bouquet of flowers and your favorite snacks/food
- expect a lot of teasing coming from sunghoon
- that would definitely be his way of flirting with tou
- and speaking of flirting, i can totally see him as the type to want you to be super flustered when he flirts with you
- i feel like sunghoon would do everything in his power to make sure you feel loved and special that whenever you get him anything or plan a special date, lowkey feel like he'd get a little emotional but not like full on crying you know?
- i feel like he'd forget that being in a relationship is a two person job and that it's important to make sure both people are happy so he would definitely forget to make sure he's doing okay cause he's so busy making sure you're happy you know?
- now when it comes to arguments i do see some bickering happening quite a bit but there wouldn't really be major arguments. the most you two would have major arguments would be 1-2 times
- i feel like sunghoon wouldn't really do much to make you mad and neither would you but there would be one time where either one of you may have gone overboard with something which would lead to an argument happening
- and when those happen and if they aren't resolved right then and there, you two would probably ignore each other until it's too much and then one of you guys apologize first
- overall, a relationship with sunghoon would be so nice. he would remind that you're the love of his life and that you're special to him. of course make sure you do the same too because it'll mean so much to him

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new update! wanted to update before i become busy with finals :( not excited for those whatsoever ever. but anyways i know i mentioned this in my conversation tab a bit ago but i also wanted to mention it on here so more people can see it.

there's this writer that goes by byeulrang and they're currently writing a jungwon fanfic and it's really good!! they don't have many followers so be sure to read their book and also follow them as well. they update a lot so be sure to read their book!! they made the story based off of my niki imagine (which i gave them permission to) and i really enjoy how they're writing it so far :)

and also if you don't know i also started writing a jungwon fanfic called "dreams". i've only written like- 3 chapters so far and was planning on writing the 4th one sometime this week. please go check it out if you'd like, it would mean a lot to me!! i hope you all have a wonderful day/night!! <3

(also if there are any grammar mistakes, i'm sorry. i am lazy to recheck my writing)

word count: 999 words
written: 12/11/22

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