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Jeon Rosen, is a 21-year-old South Korean-Italian medical trainee who turned as Vixen. A young lady who seduces then robs or kills her target. Her father was an Italian man who her mom had met when he visited Korea for some business apparently her hopelessly romantic mother had fallen in love with him the first time she had seen him but just like Romeo and Juliet, they were star-crossed lovers. Her Italian father went back to Verona while her mother, Jeon Soohyun, stayed at Jeju Island and is pregnant with her. 

She grew up with her mother alone, who worked all day, all night for Rosen, so she could send Rosen to the best medical school. Little did she know her daughter's first patient would be herself. Rosen witnessed how her mom was shot by an Italian looking man, with that Rosen who had read all the textbook her mom had given to her performed a surgery, but it was too late as Soohyun already had taken her last breath.


"Next working group! I said next working group!" Verona shouted waking the hostages. "Stop wasting time and get up already! Those who has been working all night needs your sleeping bags." Berlin who watched her at the stair railing gave a small smile at the girl, beside him is Chicago also giving her a smile.

"Aren't you rich already?" The director, Cho Youngmin says looking at Verona. "I mean who don't like someone who's fully blooded."

"Don't you have a wife already?" Verona retorted hinting the Director of her knowledge about his affair.

Berlin and Chicago who has been watching them had their own little conversation. "We'll have problem with that Director." Chicago says. Berlin nodded as he knows that the Director surely will give them a lot of problems.


"What do you think is happening outside?" Chicago asked.

"I don't know and I don't really care at all." Verona says who's sitting by the stairs now.

"Why are you so rude?"

"Because I want to and because I can." Chicago followed Verona as the ice princess went to visit Moscow with a water bottle on her left hand.

"Where are you bringing that water?"

"To your father."

"Why are you nice him?"

"Because he's also nice to me." Verona says, she then faced him making Chicago stop few inches away from her. 

"He went into prison." Chicago says. "He couldn't take care of me and my older brother because he went into prison." He continued. "Instead of looking for a decent job he went and did a crime that fouled him out and sent him into prison, and while he was there eating at least some decent food even if he's in prison, me and my brother were left to feed on from scraps."

"So?" Verona asked. "I know you're not in good terms with your dad but you should be grateful you still have your dad, I know someone who didn't had a chance to even meet her father."

"You're making a complete mess." Verona heard as she and Chicago reached their destination. "Give it here." Moscow says only to be blocked by Verona who handed him the water bottle.

"Take a sit and let him do it." She says, Moscow immediately taking a sit and letting the poor director face Verona. "Go on. Continue working." The director started drilling the floor again only to receive an eye roll from Verona. "Don't you know what center is? Are you that stupid?"

"What's going on?" Chicago asked.

"He's doing such a lousy job." Denver commented.

"I am..." the Director started earning Verona's attention. "Not someone who does this kind of job."

"What? Look here. Are you saying some of us are meant for this job?" Denver asked.

"I am the Director of the Mint."

"So what? Are you saying you're too good for some manual labor work?" Chicago and Moscow immediately pulled Denver back far from the Director.

"Denver." Verona warned causing Denver to halt. "Do I look like I care if you're someone who does this job or not?" she asked pertaining to the Director.

"His behavior needs to be nipped from the bud."

"Something funny going on?" Berlin who came from the shadows says. "Verona, call Tokyo and go up to the office and wait for me there." Verona nodded as she went to get Tokyo.


"Where on earth are you Tokyo?" Verona mumbled asking herself. Chicago had been called by Nairobi saying she needs help at the printing station.

Verona stopped feeling another presence around her somewhere but she couldn't find it anywhere so, she then continued walking but the weird feeling of someone else's presence bugged her so much she started looking for it.

The click of the gun bumping into something or to someone rather, as Verona caught the presence. It's Cho Young Min, the Director of the Mint. "You couldn't do drilling so you went to clean the floor instead?"


"He was caught on the first floor?" Berlin asked as he held the shaking director beside him. Verona nodded.

"I mean, I only have two eyes and there are tons of screens here." Rio says, he had his head hung as Verona looked into his ways. His unit leader might be a girl but she's hella scary.

"Why does the Director snooping around the workplace?" Berlin asked.

"I was..."

"He's a worker, right?" Tokyo intercepted. "Under Denver and Moscow?"

"Yeah." Rio answered.

"This way." Denver who just came into the office says. "Eh? What going on? What's he doing here?"

"This guy was injured on the job." The Director says, running towards to the injured guy. "I care for my employees like my own family."

"So, that's why he's been screwing the assistant." Verona whispered collecting a chuckle from Rio.

"Then why are you hiding?" Tokyo asked.

"I didn't want to get punished for leaving my work."

"Well, you didn't leave. You snuck out when the supervision was lax." Tokyo says eyeing Denver who is about to get a handful from his unit leader Tokyo.

"I mean, there was blood and it was a total chaos, right?" Denver says asking for a support from the injured guy who nodded.

"Never mind. What's done is done." Berlin says before looking at Verona and Tokyo. "You two gather the hostages."
