- VIII -

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"What is going on?" Nairobi asked as she saw Verona and Tokyo pointing a gun at Berlin.

"Where's Moscow?" Tokyo asked.

"He's probably busy digging a tunnel but I told him to come." Denver replied.

"Do you know how much money could we be printing right now?" Nairobi asked annoyed at them obviously.

"Tokyo and our sweet little Verona says, I'm not qualified to be in-charge. So, I'm curious what you all think about."

"He ignored the Professor's orders and created a division among the hostages. He also broke the rule about not killing anyone." Chicago says.

"If we let this continue, the Professor's plan will turn into ashes." Tokyo continues.

"Let's vote since that's what you all like." Berlin raised his hands voting for himself also having being voted by Helsinki and Oslo.

Chicago held his gun pointing it to Helsinki and Oslo. "Obviously I'm with the pretty girl."

Rio did the same and turned to look at Verona. "You know I'm always on your side baby." Rio says giving a cute smile at Verona.

"I know. But this is not about choosing sides. Let's remind ourselves why we took part of the Professor's plan. It's because we trust the Professor not this sadistic control freak."

"You're hurting my feelings my sweet sis---"

"Stop calling me sister! You're not my brother."

"You know, I'm originally on your side." Nairobi says, also pointing the gun at Berlin. In conclusion there are three ladies ganging up on Berlin pointing their guns at him. "But you've gone too far over the line this time."

"Well, my dad and I are obviously on the same side. So, one, two three, four, five, six, seven versus three." Denver counted. "It's game over."

"Don't you know voting by proxy is illegal?"

"Just accept the result." Verona says aiming for Berlin's head.

The phone that they have reaching for some time now finally had responded as it calls them back. Tokyo went to answer it, urging Berlin to own up to his mistake.

"Hey Professor. Are you busy dating or something?"

"What are you all doing?"

"Unfortunately, Tokyo and Verona want to impeach me."

"They must have a reason. Explain."

"Well, I executed a hostage."

"The pregnant woman. That pregnant woman." The Professor and Berlin had their little chit-chat without anyone interrupting them, until Berlin mentioned someone's identity being leaked.

"What?" Tokyo says. Verona immediately looked at Rio, eyes growing bigger.

"It's just a possibility. The Professor was already looking on to it."

"How did it go?" Berlin asked.

"The police have identified Rio and Nairobi." Verona once again looked at Rio. Worry was etched on her face. "Verona." The Professor called. "They have your identity too."

"What?" Rio asked worried about Verona. Chicago also looked at the camera also worried about Verona. "Is that true?" Rio asked.

"I think Rio and are the ones caught via smartwatch but they had tracked the footages prior visit to the Mint. They got Nairobi's face and identity since she's with them that day." He continues. 

"See this wouldn't happen if things were done my way from the start. The hostages are pulling this crap because we were nice to them. This is what I'm trying to prevent."


"I'm sorry I broke the rules without telling you but look at what happened. Someone has to get their hands dirty for this to work."

"Your hands have always been dirty!" Tokyo shouted pointing her gun towards Berlin once more.

"Stop with jokes."


"Hey Nairobi, Rio. Do still think I'm wrong?" Berlin asked. "I think you might have changed your mind by now." he continued. "How about you my sweet Verona?"

Nairobi of course already had changed her mind and choose to side with Berlin instead pointing her gun at Tokyo.

"Two-faced bitch." Verona says pointing her gun at Nairobi.

"Hey Rio, get it together. Don't be scared with something like that." Denver shouted at Rio who turned his back towards him.

"They know your face so what?" Chicago whispered but Rio still heard him.

"That stupid thing?" Rio says facing Chicago. His eyes full of fear and anger. "Fuck. You say that because it's not your face they saw."

"Damn it you asshole." Chicago cussed. "Whining about it now doesn't change anything. Take it like a man." Chicago says but things got worse when Rio mentioned Chicago's mom who apparently left him and Denver and the fact that Moscow wasn't there for most of the time.

 "Rio that's below the belt!" Verona shouted.

"You're right. You came from generations of convict. You even killed someone. Nothing would scare you right?!"

"Fucking son of a bitch!" Chicago says pushing Rio. "I've had enough of your bullshits, if wasn't for Verona I could've punched shit out of you already."

"Stop it you two!" Verona says getting in between of Rio and Chicago. "Chicago that's enough!"

"Who killed who?" the newcomer Moscow had asked, looking solemnly at Denver and Chicago. Disappointment was written all over his face.

"No. it's not like th---" Denver says as he tried to cover it up.

"I told Chicago to, because the hostages thought we are pawns. If Chicago didn't execute her, it would've ended there." Denver was devasted. He didn't want his father to know what Chicago has done and even Chicago who didn't have a close relationship with his father didn't want things to end up like this.

Moscow held Chicago's jumpsuit, asking him if that was true but Chicago didn't say anything. "Damn it! You moron!" Moscow says hitting Chicago. The younger one did do anything he just stood there and took his father's hits. "Why did you kill her? Who are you to kill someone?" Denver, Nairobi, Helsinki and Oslo all gathered up to stop Moscow from beating Chicago. "Are going to kill me too if he tells you?" Moscow lets go of Chicago as he talks to the Professor thru the camera. "You said no one would die! You said everything will go according to your plans and calculations! Then what is this? Why did my son kill someone? Why?" Moscow shouted making his body fall onto the ground. Chicago, Denver, Nairobi and Verona all hurriedly went to his aid. Verona looking at Rio with anger at her eyes.
