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"I was having fun printing the money." Nairobi says while she's entering the lobby where everybody was gathered. "What's this about?"

"Attention." Berlin called. "From now on. North Koreans stand on my right while South Koreans stands on my left. Go."

"I'm on neither side." Anne Kim says, making Berlin smile.

"You're an exemption." He says pointing at her. "Rio, lock her up and keep a close eye on her." Rio nodded, looking past at Berlin. His eyes fixed at the pretty girl on stairs. Verona. "If North Koreans are at fault, South Koreans will get punished and of course if South Koreans are at fault the North Koreans get punished. So, what should you do if you don't want to get punished?" Berlin asked but no one dared to answer him. "Keep a close watch to each other."

The Director raised his hands wanting to ask Berlin a question. Berlin of course acknowledges him. "What kind of punishment?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"No reason."

"You'll soon find out. Though maybe it's better if you don't." Tokyo and Verona, the two girls sitting by the stairs exchanged looks because of this.

"Rio's looking here." Tokyo whispered.


"I won't tell anyone if you like him." Tokyo continued smiling at Verona but Verona only playfully rolled her eyes at her. "Yah! I'm older than you. You punk!" Tokyo says playfully, earning a genuine smile from Verona. "Just remember to put the mission first before anything else, okay?" and with that Tokyo made her way back to her post.


"Hey, pretty girl. Did you eat already?" Chicago asked sitting down beside Verona, who is again sitting on the stairs.

"Not hungry."

"You need to eat so that you can lead our unit." Chicago says. Verona just put her head on Chicago's shoulder, not really wanting to eat. Rio who joined them held two trays as he sat between Chicago and Verona. One tray is for him and one for Verona.

"Ecco a te, mia principessa." (Here you go, my princess.) Rio says in Italian, earning a glance from Verona and Chicago.

"What did you just say?" Verona asked completely confused. 

"Nothing. And if you want to lean on someone, I'm here. My shoulders are a lot comfier." Verona frowned at him but still accepted the food that Rio has given, keeping a sweet smile to herself. "Remember that Anne girl? She said I was cute."

"Oh Rio... You got a girl from the hostages huh." Denver who overheard says, bullying Rio. Verona's smile faded as she heard Rio.

"She has a good eye." Rio continued laughing along with Denver who had joined them, Chicago only watched the expression of Verona.

"Hey Verona! Where are you going?" Denver called as Verona walked out, leaving the three guys on the stairs.

"So stuck up."


"What the hell?" Rio was left alone inside the Director's office watching his eyes drifting form Chicago and Verona laughing at something to the two girls that are now waving at the camera. Rio impatiently opened the door where Misun and Anne was being held. Misun immediately walking away from him while Anne went closer.

"I have to go to the bathroom, because it's that time of the month." Anne says.

"Will it take long?" Rio asked, annoyed of Anne's disturbance. Anne shook her head no as an answer. "Stay right where you are." Rio said to Misun.

Both Rio and Anne went to the bathroom. Rio was smoking cigarette while waiting for Anne to finish. The handsome guy growing impatient of Anne so, he walked and stopped in front of the cubicle that Anne occupied.

"Are you a pervert?"

"No. You were taking so long." Rio retaliated. Anne left her cubicle and looked intensely at Rio. "Let's go." He says feeling a bit awkward but Anne had other plans, she took the cigarette out of Rio's mouth and smoked it herself.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Anne asked, feeling a lot confident as she faces Rio. 

"What if I don't?" Rio clapped back, also facing Anne, who dropped the cigarette and held Rio's jumpsuit, pushing him to the countertop, kissing him and Rio kissing back. Little did the two of them knew someone walk in on them.

"Don't move or I'll shoot." Anne says, which caught the attention of the pretty girl who's waiting for her and Rio outside the bathroom. Rio on the other hand, has his hands up in the air as he was taken a back because of what Anne did.

"Alright baby boy let's see if you remember our little lesson session." Verona whispered to herself. She excused herself from Chicago to go to the bathroom only to see Rio and Anne doing something.

Rio rolled his eyes and sighed putting his hands down on the process. "Put your hands up!" Anne shouted but Rio just looked at her straight in the eye. "I said put your hands up!" Anne shouted as Rio didn't listen to her.

"Shoot." He said. "Go on shoot. Damn it.

"I said put your hands up!" Anne shouted once again as Rio walked towards her.

"And I said shoot!" Rio also shouted pulling the gun closer to his heart. "Shoot! Take the shot!" Anne did pull the trigger only to find out that it was actually locked. "For fuck's sake." Rio whispered claiming the gun from Anne, unlocking it with ease. Of course, he should know how to unlock it with ease, Verona taught him how to. "Hey get down! Get down!" he then pulled Anne to the ground and focused the gun on her. "Don't be too hard on yourself. Verona had hit me almost 20 something times because I kept forgetting about this too."

Outside the bathroom where Verona was listening, she had a smile plastered at her pretty face. "Good memory, you have there, baby." Verona stood straight as she heard the bathroom door opened. Rio was having a mild heart attack as soon as he saw Verona outside.

"The fuck? Did she saw something?" he whispered to himself.

"That was too fast." Verona says, looking at her black Cartier watch which she had bought with a billionaire target who's now dead. "I guess it was just a quickie then." Verona continues walking away from Rio and Anne.

"Verona! Yah!" Rio called.

"I thought you said you don't have a girlfriend?" Anne asked.

"Shut up! This is your fault."

"She's pretty though."

"Of course, she is."
