Not the Right Time- Magma

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I tried to stop her. I have no idea what she was thinking as she tried to shock in with the human still attached. I rush forward to help as Igneous pins me to the wall stopping me. "Our babies Magma, you can't" he whispers into my ear. A split second later the whale of the human fills the air as she is electrocuted.

She sobs as she drops onto Maximus' chest. I wiggle in Igneous grasp as Xander places a hand on Dr. Snow. They exchange a look, and I can see that he wants her to do it again. They can't do this. They could kill her. A loud growl leaves my throat in warning as Dr. Snow approaches the bed again. The human starts to mumble, and the thought crosses my mind that she could have brain damage.

I will protect our young. Stop them

With all my strength I push Igneous away and walk across the bed to the room. Quicker than I thought possible the human pushes Dr. Snow and climbs on top of Maximus to scream for him to come back and then she ....she kisses him. A bright light fills the room as she makes contact. When we look back to the bed they are gone. She has disappeared with him.

"Where the hell did they go?" I shout as I look around the room. I watch as Xander helps Dr. Snow up from the floor. Igneous wraps his arms around my waist but in my anger I shake him off. "You had no right" I scream as I get in the doctors face. "You knew what could have happened if she were attached when you used the defibrillator" I accuse her knowing that it is the truth. It's one of the first things they teach you as an EMT.

"I ordered her to Magma. We need him back" Xander yells breaking us up. My jaw cracks as my dragon teeth push forward in my anger.

"Not at the expense of the life of another. Especially his mate. She could have died. Then where would we be. He would have been as good as dead if he lost her knowing that it was to make sure he lived" I scream at him. He growls in my face, and I watch as his dragon comes to the surface.

"I protect my own over any other. That is why I am alpha. It seems that you have forgotten your place sister. I suggest you find it before you piss me of"" He Commands. I fight his command as I hold his gaze.

He is wrong. It is our place to help those who cannot help themselves. A mate is just as important as one of us.

"Magma is right. He wouldn't have wanted that" Igneous says as he comes to my side.

"You have no place to speak here human. Stand back before I make you" his dragon threatens as his aura gets bigger.

I growl at the threat to my mate but still my head bows. The weight of his aura threatens to make me submit by baring my neck. Stubborn as always I yell under the strain before showing him my vulnerable spot. Raving mad and pissed off I take a step away from him.

"Why don't we all come down" Dr. Snow says as she intervenes. Always the peace maker she is. As I meet her gaze I see her eyes flicker to my stomach and know that she is just worried about the babies. She has never hidden her fascination with someone new to study. At her suggestion however the weight of Xander's aura leaves the room.

"I'm sorry Magma. You just don't know what is at stake right now if he doesn't return. I've been meaning to tell you, but I just don't have the time" he says pleadingly.

What could be so important that he would endanger another life. Something big must be going on here.

I know that he would never purposefully hurt me. I also know how his dragon is when it comes to being questioned as our leader. I do not envy him for the positions he has to take sometimes. With a huff I get ready to speak when suddenly a loud groan fills the air.

My head whips toward the bed and my cheeks flush. The human is on top of Maximus, and they are kissing, heavily. He groans once more as he brings her closer. I watch as she grinds against him and feel the need to laugh. It's like they don't even know others are in the room. I hear Xander clear his throat but still they continue.

"Magma, it's the heat" Igneous whispers.

Recalling what it's like I know that we need to stop this. The human already displayed her displeasure about staying here. She should be able to make a decision for herself. When Maximus' hand heads for the lapels of his robe I decide that we have had enough of a show. Walking forward I shove the human and watch as she tumbles off of him. Maximus jack knifes off the bed to look at her with a low growl as she shouts. I bite my lip to keep from laughing as both of their gazes fly to me.

"Hey, you are the one that forgot we were here. We all saw where things were heading" I state as his eyebrow furrow at my suggest and the human blushes.

He is the worst cock blocker ever. It's a wonder we ever got with young with him hanging around.

"Besides, this is payback for all the fun times of ours you popped up and interrupted" Igneous says as he chuckles at my side. Maximus shakes his head and leans a hand over the bed to help the human up.

"Are you alright" he ask her. She nods shyly in reply as he tugs her forward not releasing her hand.

Magma, this may not be a suitable time, but we need to leave soon.

"I need to speak with Xander and Maximus to see what is going on" I tell her.

"But Magma they are----" I quickly cut her off and toss her into a shield in my mind as voices rise in the room. Tuning back into the conversation I hear that he and his dragon have been battling for the last few days. Even as he speaks I see his eyes flicker. I find it shocking because for as long as I have known him I have never seen a sign of his dragon. I honestly thought he didn't have one.

"So, looks like there are many things we need to talk about. You who has been hiding his beast all this time" I say gesturing to Maximus. "you who none of us seem to know about but you know about us" I say gesturing to the human. "And you who is hiding something so big that you are willing to sacrifice a life to see it solved" I say pointed at Xander.

"Who's life" Maximus ask as the room goes cold. His breath shows in the air as the deathly chill from him starts to spread. Igneous pulls me away as he eyes Xander. A twinge in my back has me pausing my steps as I rub the spot.

"I did it for your own good. We needed you back to help the rest of our species. One of our own has gone missing and we know who is behind it." he states with his hands raised. When Maximus growls in return the twinge in back gets a bit worst. All this commotion certainly isn't good. I may need to leave like my dragon suggested.

"You tried to sacrifice my mate!!" Maximus' dragon yells as he surges forward.

"Calm down Beta. She is unharmed" He commands in his alpha tone. Apparently it's the last straw for the stress in my back before suddenly it releases. Wetness gushes from between my legs as I hunch down with a moan to wrap my arms around my stomach. My dragon surges forward and takes over my mind.

They are coming Magma. It's time for them to come out. We must leave this place.

"Magma?" Igneous says as he starts to lead me out of the room. I pause against the hallway wall as another pain strikes harsher than the rest. I shout as it ripples across my stomach. "I'm going to carry you" he says as he swoops me into his arms. Tears spring to my eyes at the pain. When he lays me onto the empty bed in the next room over my dragon takes over.

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