Women Problems- Xander

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There are just way too many things on my plate. I've never realized how much I have come to rely on Maximus in the years since I took over as Alpha. My dragon flaps his wings harder as he nears the destination of the fairy folk. It has been years since I have had to make the journey to check on them in person myself. The other clans were as surprised by my visits as I was to see the advancements of their homes.

Overtime we have grown too used to communication through technology. I found it much simpler to handle majority of my duties through emails and a well-timed phone call. If I need something gathered in person it was easier to send Maximus to gather it or to have it delivered to me. My body is tired as I circle the landing pad. It's been so long since I have flown this far that I am feeling the strain.

We need to get out of the office more. The sun is good for my health

Making a mental note to do just that I shift back into my human form. A few fae who sensed my arrival have come to landing pad. Looks like one thing hasn't changed over the years. They still only send females to greet me no matter how many times I tell them I am uninterested. I grit my teeth knowing that I will have to deal with the handsy females for a minute or choose to walk around their kingdom unclothed.

Take the robe. I do not need these girls laying a finger on what is promised to our mate. Take it beyond them dressing you and there is no telling what I might do.

"Yeah, yeah, Mr. Bossy. I don't want their touch either. We tried to change this part of when we visit remember. They were unwilling to change the custom" I remind him as hands place a robe over my back while another tiny female steps forward to my front. She rubs her hands along my skin, stealing a touch as she moves to tie the lapels of my robe. My hands twitch wanting to snatch them from her and do it myself, but I don't have time to offend their queen today. Instead my dragon releases a low warning growl that has them quickly stepping away.

Already in a foul mood I stomp pass them and march into the trees toward the tree of their leader. I breathe in the air here calmly. I missed this part of visiting their clan I think as I release a heavy sigh. As I inhale once more the scent of the fresh flowers and trees calm the beast and man. Quickly stopping on the path I pluck a rose from a nearby bush and bring it to my nose as I walk.

This is grand. We need to consider having them decorate parts of Scarlet Light.

A hum leaves my mouth in response to his words. The fae folk have always had their way with nature. They are the only of us interspecies DNA people that do not have a shifting form. Instead of shifting they manifest powers. Some powers are simple such as to grow flowers or to plant trees with a snap. Others I have seen can be destructive in nature like causing an extreme blizzard or high fires. However one thing that they all have in common are the markings on their face.

Most of them have flourishing green lines that depict the power they possess. However many also have a range of colors to signal their power as well. From what I have heard, the more powerful they become, the more the markings spread. We are heading to one of the most powerful now, the fae queen.

I do not like this idea that you have. A woman would be unable to help.

"You say that but right now we need someone. This situation has grown, and it needs to be shared. The other two clans we have spoken to today are already gathering information. The more we have the more we can help" I scold him.

Knocking on the door at the base of the tree I wait for it to be answered. After a few moments I go to knock once more when the ground suddenly shifts beneath my feet. I shuffle around to find my balance as the section I stand on rises into the air. I roll my eyes at her theatrics. If I were a normal human I would probably be screaming right now at being so high off the ground. A flower strewn bungalow comes into view when the level of dirt stops, and I quickly step off it.

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