Chapter One

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The sound of metal clashing echoed all throughout the valley, swords clanging, men falling, even horses dying. It was an unfortunate and bloody massacre.

My heart truly went out to those who were wounded, but I was the princess of Sylestia, and I had to do what needed to be done to protect the majority, even at the cost of a few. I refuse to ever be the royal that sits on the sidelines and watches as people put their life on the line for the kingdom. Their lives are no less valuable than mine.

"Aggie, look out!" my friend, Burkley, shouted out. I turned my head just in time to see a man in full body armor coming at me with a sword. I swiftly ducked the sharp piece of metal, and returned his oh-so-kind gesture with one of my own. The man couldn't even beg for mercy before I had sliced his head clean off with my indestructible sword, forged with the magic that runs deep in the mountains.

The head, draped in armor, fell to the ground along with its body. It was indeed a gruesome sight. Nonetheless, Erik shouted, "nice one!" as I tossed him a quick and cocky grin before turning back to my task at hand; saving my kingdom from Marlissa.

"What'd ya think, Aggs? Are they close to caving ?" a flash of violet sped past my peripheral view.

I gave a brief nod in Jazzy's direction. "There are only about 50 more men to take down. This isn't one of Marlissa's greatest battles." I swung my sword and pivoted my whole body to the right to take down an unsuspecting soldier. "Make that 49."

In that moment, an agonizing scream pierced through the air, throwing me off for a moment to consider every possible reason behind the fading cry for mercy. I couldn't help but wonder how men were still agreeing to become one of the evil queen's minions. Did these poor souls know that they would be no more than a memory when the stepped foot in my home with mal intent? ; My friends and I would never allow Marlissa to actually take over my home. What could she possibly promise them that they would risk their lives to earn?

Snapping me out of my trance was the loud chime of a sword attempting to break my enchanted armor. Quickly and without any thought, I beheaded yet another man. I knew just how wrong it was to murder so violently and so plentifully, but my people needed me to protect them.

"I surrender!" a voice from somewhere beyond my thoughts shouted. I looked out and saw a man bearing a shield, running for his life. He was smart to give up before death greeted him.

"And that is all that you can remember of your dream today?" the woman in front of me sat cross legged and stared between me and the notepad in her hands.

I shook my head and looked over at her with big eyes. "Christina, how many times do I have to tell you, I don't have repetitive dreams, I have actual adventures with actual friends." I took a deep breath. "It's like...I'm awake but I'm not here."

"You keep saying that, but it doesn't make any sense." My therapist of the last few months wrote something down in her notepad, probably leaving a note for herself saying that I was unfixable or that I belonged in a straight jacket. It's what I expected, really. Everyone thought the same thing.

"Aggie," she leaned back, uncrossing her legs but remaining with a professional stance, leaned forward. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Even if I say "no", you'll ask anyways," I mumbled my response and glanced over at the clock to see how much longer I'd be held captive for. The ticking and the tocking filled the room for a moment of silence as I focused on anything except the woman trying to convince me wrong of what I know is right.

Christina seemed to take no notice of what I had just said, but spoke on as though I'd not given her attitude. She's been at this long enough to see through deflective behaviors like mine, I'm sure.. "You say that these adventures, these people, are real" It was more of a statement but I nodded my head vigorously nonetheless. "But if that's the case, then how come the only way to enter this world is through zoning out? Why can no one else get to this place except for you?"

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