1. 𝚕𝚢𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑

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The sound of chirping birds had always been a comfort to her, the innocent song of the creatures reminding her there is still good in this world. But not today. Not at this moment. Today they reminded her that life remains after the dead, even on the unbearably hot summer day, some life still remained after others.

She had learned long ago that karma does not exist, the universe picks at random who stays and who goes no matter the quality of their life. She was heavily reminded of that fact when looking at the cold face of the boy below her as he lay stiff on the road, a bite to the shoulder and a stab to the head, the latter reluctantly at the fault of herself.

The bird's song became louder and louder in her ears, shouting the lyrics of hopes death and the departure of all good. Tears ran from her eyes, clearing small streaks of dirt from her face as the drops fell onto the boy's torso. She knew it was dangerous to be on the side of the road like this, out in the open for anyone or anything to rid her from this insufferable existence but her heart could not move from the pale boy that her head hovered over.

Right behind her a cluster of daisies grew from the overgrown bush, their clean white surface mocking the raggedy clothes that clung to her tired and hungry body. Gathering herself for only a moment, she convinced her still legs to walk towards the flowers and pluck them from the ground with her shaky hands.

Fighting the sobs that dared to escape her throat, she bundled up the flowers and dropped to her knees once again next to the cold body, not exactly caring if she broke her bones on the hard concrete. Picking up the boy's cold hand, she lay them on his torso with the bunch of flowers gently weighed down by his palms. She knew she could not bury him due to lack of tools but this was the best she could do. Less than he deserved but all that she could give.

"I'm sorry" escaped her quivering lips before a sharp wince slid from her throat. She covered her mouth quickly so as not to attract unwanted attention. She leaned over hesitantly and placed an unstable kiss on his forehead, her unruly hair falling over her face as she did. As her head was leaned over and her view obstructed by her untamed locks, the crunch of leaves behind her alerted her heart to start beating faster. She stayed still so as not to let the intruders know she was aware of them.

No growls....people.

As far as she understood it was a group, she may have been small and frail but never underestimated the power of her survival skills.

In one swift move, she removed the knife from her sheath and turned around standing towards the group. Instantly everyone's weapons went up, unfortunately for her most of theirs seemed to be firearms.


she thought, she was holding up a dull knife to a group of about fifteen people with guns. She almost laughed a little in the moment at how monumentally the odds were stacked against her. Frantically she spun her head to look at the group all spread out in the tree line, as her feet stayed grounded on the crumbling edge of the road. The silence clung to the air for a moment, she expected them to immediately shoot her or threaten her for everything in her bag; but the time allowed for her eyes to connect to the man in front of everyone. His grey beard was slightly stained with blood and had a suspicious scowl pointed directly at her. She let out a breath of defeat. This must have been the end, she couldn't take these people alone. Even if he was still here.

𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𖥧  𝚌.𝚐Where stories live. Discover now