Chapter 30

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Allison's POV

I felt my heartbeat race faster as my eyes widened.

Cole mirrored my expression and his face was really pale, but he sent me a reassuring smile.

Sighing, I stood up and walked into the closet bathroom before sitting on the pit and peeing on the tip of the white stick.

I set it in the sink while reading the instuctions which told me to wait for five minutes.

The wait felt like hours, even though I knew it was only five minutes and when my five minutes were up, I quickly grabbed the stick and looked at the two blue lines that were in the middle.

Instead of crying, like I thought I would, the same sparks that fly when Cole touches me flew and I grew overly excited.

I'm having a pup!



Oh! That's what Reign was gonna tell me! Im having a pup!

What would Cole do though?

His face drained when he saw the test, what if he doesn't want a pup?

Well this just got bad...

Slowly, I opened the door to see Cole sitting in his chair with his head in his hands and the doctor was no where to be seen.

"Cole?" I called softly.

His head immediately shot up and I couldn't help but smile.

As if reading my mind, a smile slowly made its way to his face and he stood before pulling me into a tight hug.

"Pup!!!" Reign yelled excitedly.

How did she break the barrier?

Oh well...

Cole smiled down at me and I stood on my tippy toes before softly placing my lips on his.

My life is so perfect right now...


I should have seriously recorded the reaction that Lottie and Trish gave when we announced the exciting news.

Lottie screamed while jumping up and down and clapping while Trish jumped in my lap and started rubbing my belly while saying blue she was gonna be an Aunt.

Abby arrived from Germany a few hours ago, and I'm taking her and Cole with me to crack the news to my brothers.

Mason granted us access onto his land and so we are packing up right now because we will stay for two or three days as a visit before a school starts up again for second semester.

"Come on Allison, were gonna be late." Cole said picking up my bags and walking out the door.

Abby was already waiting downstairs with her bags and Beta Ashton hauled them out to the car for her.

After just about forty five minutes of driving, the car pulled up to the big huge house I've missed do much I quickly jumped out of the car before running over to the front door and knocking a million times.

"I'm coming woman!" Mason's laugh echoed through the door.

Abby walked up beside me and stopped immediately before sniffing the air.

What the hell?

"Abby?" I asked.

As soon as the door opened, Mason mirrored her expression and she smiled slightly "Mate." she whispered.


How the hell does she know what a mate is?!

Mason smiled widely at her and Cole wrapped his arms around my waist before setting his head on my shoulder.

Abby cheeks grew red and she looked down at her feet.

"Wait.. How the hell do you know what a mate is if you're human?!" I asked suspiciously.

She chuckled. "My parents were wolves. I never knew why I'm human, but I still have wolf hearing, eyesight, senses, smelling, you name it, I just can't shift."

I gasped. "So you knew I was a wolf and I had to hold in my wolf for three months?!"

She burst out laughing before turning back to Cole. "Well I guess she doesn't have you stay with us anymore if she found her mate.."

"Wait... So why are you guys even here?" Mason smirked, wrapping an arm around Abby and making her turn red.

Cole smirked at me and I motioning my head for them I go inside where Jackson was sitting on the living room sofa eating potato chips and watching "Ride Along."

"Jacky?!!!" I yelled, running over and jumped on top of him.

"Allison?! Where have you been girl!" he yelled in a high pitched voice making me double over in laughter.

Mason quickly introduced Jackson to Abby and when we got back to business.

"No, seriously, what are you doing here?" he smiled.

"Well guys.. We actually have an announcement.." I smiled, holding Coles hand in mine and squeezing slightly.

Jackson and Mason looked confused at first but looked at me to continue.

"I'm... I'm uh pregnant?" I said nervously scratching the back of my neck.

Big grins spread on every ones faces and Abby stood up before squealing "Im gonna be an Auntie!?"

I nodded happily before looking at the boys who were smiling happily at me and Cole.

"Congratulations guys" Jackson smiled warmly.

Mason stood up and walked over to Cole before pulling him into a bro hug and i caught him mumbling a "Thank you"

I have no idea what he was talking about, but Cole smiled and nodded back at him.

That was weired..

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