The Witch and The Boar

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 The perfect evening in bonesburrow consisted of a cool breeze, a setting sun and the boiling sea glittering underneath all of it. The bustling city calming down for some well deserved rest reminded all and everyone that there is calm in a magical world. A world where magic is used in every medium. Magic defines a witch on who they are and who they'll be.

Tubbo, taking a walk in the evening fall, reminisced on the beautiful scene he was cast into. He was an older witchling, more so a young witch than anything, and it had always been his favourite activity to go out on walks like this. He was well on his way to his favourite cafe in town, Romble's rawfee, where they had the best Grumpkin spice lattes. Another surge of wind blew his hair around loosely and he shook his head vigorously as leaves flew around his head. He readjusted his hoodie and checked his pockets to make sure he had his money to pay with. He looked around the streets, business of the day washed away to feed into his empty euphoria. He felt his heart pound in a good kind of way, and he was ready to begin a fresh quest in the beautiful night. A weekend of grandeur activities he'd have to pull before the end of fall break.

To be honest, he wasn't really looking forward to the next semester of school. Hexide was a fantastic school, not to be mistaken. He had a good few friends with the best teachers he knew. No, what he wasn't looking forward to was the new units implemented into classes. The lessons on choosing a coven effectively and how to make a living off of the one they'd choose. I mean, points for life advice, but something didn't sit right with him on it. He wanted to belong in a coven somewhere, but he didn't know which one or how he'd ever decide. He was especially torn between 2 specific covens, the Beast keeping coven and the Construction coven. His dad wanted him to join the latter, follow in his footsteps and eventually retire and become a landlord, as weirdly specific as it was.

But on the other hand he quite enjoyed the beast keeping coven. It'd made a special place into his heart for lots of reasons, a core one being it was where he met his best friend.

"TUBBO! WATCH OUT!" Someone familiar yelled from behind Tubbo. He was so used to this routine that he just took a step to the left without looking, and low and behold, Tommy went crashing into a recycling bin ahead of him.

"And speak of the devil." Tubbo laughed walking up to his friend.

Tommy, legs dangling around in the air, mocked Tubbo's quips as his voice echoed in the can. "Ah, keep your 'speak of the devil'-ness to yourself, prick."

"You lost a shoe, bossman." Tubbo picked up Tommy's white sneaker off of the pavement as Tommy wriggled out of the bin, dusting himself off. "That was quite the crash."

Tommy, flustered, swiped the shoe out of his friend's hands. Then sitting down to put it back on. Once he was satisfied with the untied shoe, he stood back up to resume his conversation with the other witchling.

"It was quite the crash and I am proud of it."

Tommy picked up his magic staff where his Palisman, a beat up looking racoon, held stationary. "And you and I need to work on our coordination, big man." Tommy gently said, making sure the racoon was okay before continuing his stroll.

"Anyway, hey." Tommy said, now clenching his staff.

"Hi, welcome to the walk." Tubbo welcomed.

"Thank you thank you," Tommy said in a showmanly tone. He was silent for a moment looking around as he walked alongside his friend. "So where are we going?"

"Romble's." Tubbo replied automatically.

"Well why don't we try something new today? I was thinking maybe a chance at that new icecream shop. I heard they have some cinnamon swirl that packs a punch that I want to try out."

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