The unbroken

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(Before we start the chapter i have some characters to you hope ya like em)

(Before we start the chapter i have some characters to you hope ya like em)

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(The glitch)

(The glitch)

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(C)(Okey now that's out of the way let's continue the story)

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(Okey now that's out of the way let's continue the story)

D woke up in a dark place or should I say a dark world.
(Sorry I had to)
Everything was black everywhere she looked until a voice caught her attention.
Dftfvjtdsdghh: s2 If i4 is7t D thE m7rd2r d5on5, rEm2mbEr m4?
D: yeah actually. Your that glitch that separated me from C and B!
The glitchy figure laughed also cracking wile laughing it was a bit creepy for D.
Fyrdchhrfhj: oH inDee2 i A5.
D: why are you here?
Grdfghescbjjhoj; aaa2aaaa nOw th2tS not hOw 5ou treEt a g2est.
D: oh quit the tomfoolery already.
Tyddghydfhyddsfgjj: wEl3 fIn5 tHeN, I Ju3t wA5tED to waR2 you abOUt tH4 uPc0mi8g dAng3r thAtz coMin4 yoE3 waY.
D: huh?
Ggrfgjffhjjyfgvv: mY lIt1le undEa3 arM5 iS coMi5g tO yoU5 lI1tle homE anD ti11 theN.
D: yes keep going?
Gescbhfsgbgyrf: wel1 ti11 thEn you'1l kNOw thE tr3e naTu3e of th1s woRld.yoU st1ll don'1 knOw whO P actuall6 iS, Do yO2?
D: wha?
Ghddgfddhhgdfyt:yeZ D. I3 ta1kinG abOu1 P tHe feA2 drOne. BuT liKe iM goin4 to Tell yOu an2 thEm.
D: who?
Fgsdghtdhkydhh: im tAlkinG abo4t thE peopl5 reAdinG iS spEak.
D: who now?
Fgrsvhyddgjtd: aaa wha5eVe3 bUt I mUs1 leaVe nO2 tIll we mEE1 eAch othEr ag1an D.
The glitch started to walk into the darkness that surrounds D and she tries to stop him but it was too late.
D: wait stop!
Suddenly everything was going white which blinded D making her block her eyes until she saw black again but then she saw her mini monitor's that she would see in her view

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