A DEALING situation

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(So I've got a question for you before we start what is your favourite boss in this story so far? Let me know in the comments)
So a long time skip happened so this is what happened. So first N B and V got back obviously glad that D isn't dead and B found a mysterious tape on the ground titled.
(Tape title) ..why I'm I doing this..
But the weird part was it had a single letter on it saying P. P thought that this was related to her so she went out trying to find what this tape meant.

P was digging around in a mall building looking for a tape player even through this wasn't the year of 1096 so how she was going to find a tape player was just a no go. When she was about to look somewhere else a door opened behind her. Feeling creeped out even as a robot you can fe- actually should it be simulate ummm yeah let's go with that.

Okey okey bloody hell it's not my fault you kidnapped me!(points gun)
Nightmareking612: continue the dam story before you get these buckshots!
Alright alright fine just go away and I'll continue (leaves room) okey bloody hell sorry about that mate moving on.)
So P went through the door and after taking a few steps forward a weird creepy drone popped out of nowhere.

???: HEY EVERYONE-ITS ME YOUR FAVOURITE (5 star shopkeeper rated nobody likes a loser) MIKE- MIKE FREEMEN HAHAHAHAHA-
He noticed P looking at him with wide eyes staring at him.

???: HEY EVERYONE-ITS ME YOUR FAVOURITE (5 star shopkeeper rated nobody likes a loser) MIKE- MIKE FREEMEN HAHAHAHAHA- He noticed P looking at him with wide eyes staring at him

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Mike freemen

MIKE: WHOASY IF IT INST A (backflips of counter) (blush) DRONE A A A.
P: what wtf and who the F—k are you!?
This guy for some creepy reason spoke different voices wile speaking like he speaks with memes of the internet or something.
P: ummmm P?
Mike: P......(p).....
P: ummmmm.
Mike: GREAT (name not found) WELL ITS A(miracle) (name not found) SO (blush) DRONE WHAT AND WHY ARE YOU HERE IN MY (rated nobody likes a loser) SHOPY LOPY?
P: this is your shop?
The shop was covered with oil on the walls and floor with some old robotic parts you could use for building a robot or machine.
Mike: OF CORSE IT IS YOU (poor stupid puppy) WHY (else would I be here) ITS NOT LIKE I-(I murdered the family that last came here) DID I IM COMPLETELY (not) INNOCENT.
P ignored this comment and asked if he has a tape player.
P: um so...do you have a tape player? For this tape I found?
Mike took the tape from her hands in a second basically the fast as you can click and investigated the tape and with few seconds he responded.
Mike: (hmmmm) ACTUALLY I DO FOLLOW YOUR (forgotten and not innocent) SALESMEN PLEASE.
P followed Mike to a old room with a non broken tape player on a table with some cuts on the wood put still could hold anything on its flat suffice.
Mike: THERE IS MY TAPE (player!) FROM (hell) PLEASE IF YOU (want to know who you are in the world) PLAY THE TAPEY LAPY LIKE A (COOLLLLLL) (kid)
P played the tape will Mike went somewhere unknown and the tape actually played and P listened very closely.
Okey i... i think I lost my mind at this rate...
Even if she comes back alive it would be awkward and i think I could be...ruining her life even through she's dead. I'm putting her in a body made out of metal for god sake. But it's too late now...she wouldn't have any memory about what happened to her or I'm her father...so if she's going to know what her life was about before who she is now then...she'll know about it...my daughter if you can hear me. I'm sorry for doing this to you but if you want to know your name then I'll say everything in the next tape I'll give it to my other drone I built Mike. End tape....

P: what the actual hell?
Then she got scared because of mikes sudden appearance.
Mike: OKEY (buddypalefriend) NOW IM GONNA NEED A REPAYMENT.
P: okey what.
Then Mike walked behind before P heard a gun noise and turned around seeing Mike having a bigger body and wings then saying.
Mike/ the mangled: YOUR LIFE

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Then P was shot out of the shop and landed on the floor with a moan of pain.
The mangled: iTS TIME TO BE A BIG SHOT!
He then fired shots out of his gun but P dodged them all and went to attack the mangled which she did cutting his arm with her claws. Then a bunch of bombs came from nowhere surrounding her but she thinks fast and goes into the air with her wings so dose the mangled.
The mangled: you got that (HIGH SCORE) skill but can you Deal (WITH A NUMBER ONE ON THE MARKET) deals?
P: wtf do you mean by that you creep?!
Suddenly a giant smiling mouth came out of nowhere and started firing £ symbols and $ symbols at P she dodged them all luckily and got out her gun and fires at the mangled which hit his wing making him lose control over his flight a bit.
P: oh god dam it
Now the mangled was shooting and trying to hit her with bombs and it was bloody hard to dodge all of them but P managed to Paul it off.
P then got close enough to bite the mangled (which was Mike) and she easily bit off a part of his wing. Then shot him three times and then bringing out her swords and cut of his legs.
The mangled: oh P THAT WASN'T (kid friendly) was IT!
P: your trying to kill me smart ass!
The mangled: no I'm not like I said I'm completely (not) innocent!
P: yeah sure you are.
Then more bombs went to P and even more quickly then before. She got hit with some but all of em where misses gladly.
P then lands on the ground and immediately started to shoot the creepy one eyed murderer.
The mangled crashed down on the floor with his eye still working fine but his body wasn't doing well.
Mike: well that went well... but I guess this was coming to me eventually.
P: well of course it was. You tried to kill me!
Mike: well if you truly want to know who you are look underneath the box on my counterrrrrrr......
Mike then shut down lifeless all over the floor like garbage.
P: okey then?
She walked back inside the shop and saw a box on the counter like Mike said and under that box was a tape it was titled
(The truth)
P: alright time actually to see what the hell I am.
She walked back in the tape player room and plays the tape to hear what hides inside it.


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