Luck Turned Bad Ch.2

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I woke up kinda late. I got up and yawned. Lucky I didn't forget where I was. Last time that did not end well. I looked around for daddy but he wasn't there. Hmm, I got up and walked out. I saw some of the guys around the RV. Rick nodded and rolled up a map and stuck it in his pocket. I walked up to him. My hair was a mess and my white dress even more dirtied then before. My bandana had fallen out. I looked up at him.

"Hey Crazy Sheriff where you going?" I asked curiously. He turned to me shaking his head at his new nickname. I laughed softly, he was the one who made me jump from a four-story building.

"Going into town." He answered. T-Dog walked up bringing something inside the truck.

"To find that Shit head Merle." He muttered. "I hope he's dead." My eyes widened at what he said.

"NO!" I screamed. "What did you do to Uncle Merle. He's not a Shit head either. Where is he ?" I felt my heart pound. The room started to spin before falling back. Daddy ran over catching me.

"Easy baby girl remember your heart Uncle Merle is fine calm down." He said softly cradling me. I took a deep breaths gasping a bit. Calming myself and catching my breath again. Daryl looked up at Rick and T-Dog angry in his eyes. I hugged daddy as he picked me up. He put me in a chair. He looked me in the eyes. 

"" I asked gasping for breath. I have all was had a weak heart and bad panic attacks. The little things could send my body into a panic. My lungs would just stop working sometimes at random. After a panic attack, my voice wouldn't work. It had always been that way since the accident. Since the day I was taken away. No one knows why and god knows they tried to figure it out.

"Shh baby girl we'll find him. Who told you that?" He asked. I pointed to T-Dog. "You know the rules till you can talk don't go away from sight." He said. I nodded, that familiar rule he made up on days we were able to see each other. Before I was taken to the Orphanage' I had similar spells where my voice was raspy and he made me stay close then too.

"I'll be right back okay." I nodded again. He kissed my forehead and walked out. I saw him punch T-Dog in the face before getting into the truck. I stood up a bit wobbly. A girl walked up to me and helped me. She was young and I saw a kindness in her eye on that I saw in my old friend Sarah. Except Sarah had a knack for trouble this girl seemed like the innocent. 

"I'm Sophia are you okay?" She asked kindly. I nodded and give a small wave. 

"Can you not speak?" She asked looking confused about why I didn't talk back. I nodded sadly kicking the ground. She looked at me a bit unhappy. I saw a piece of her that looked broken. Something I saw a lot of in the eyes of the kids at the orphanage.

"How about we play near my tent. Just ignore my dad he can be mean." She said with a giggle trying to litten the mood. I smiled and nodded. I have always been good at reading people. I guess when you can just go mute at times you notice things. She ran toward her tent. I followed her giggling. I'm small like a child, then I can play like a child. I always said. We played for almost an hour in peace. Laughing and tumbling around, it was fun. Till I saw her dad at the gateway of the tent. His stature gave me a bad vibe. Something told me to run. Something told me he... was just wrong.

"Sophia go help your mom with the laundry now." He demanded his voice stern and ungiving. I shivered at his voice. She walked off toward the lake waving goodbye. I got up about to walk to my dad's tent. I wanted to just leave this area. I felt.. I knew something was about to happen. Then.. it did a hand went in front of me stopping my movement. I looked behind me to face Sophia's dad. My heart dropped. He knelt down to me running his hand down my face. I shivered I just wanted to scream but I couldn't. He pulled me closer putting his hand on my sides going lower. That's when I noticed what was going on. It has happened before in old foster home of mine.. but the women stopped it but right now I was all alone. I yanked away just to make him mad. I felt his rough hand hit my face. The force made me fall to the ground. I'm not a strong soul my illness had made me physical strength weak. My heart started to race even more. He fell on his knees on top of me. I struggled against his force. Tears welled in my eyes. I couldn't breathe it was happening again. My heart wanted to give out and was. He grabbed my hands holding me still. I wanted to scream till I couldn't anymore. I wanted my daddy. I couldn't catch my breath. I gasped for air. It had never got this bad no one had let it get this bad. I started to black out. I felt his rough hands go under my dress. My heart raced the lose of air was getting to me. I was starting to give up. When I heard a thud I managed to look up. Just as daddy tackled him. My hero as always. He just kept striking him over and over. He only stops when he heard me gasping. He crawled over to me. He knew he was one of few things that could calm me.

"Hold on Cherokee." He said as he picked me up running back to the main camp. He held me close to him. I started to go in and out of concussions. He gently put me laid me on the ground. I was still gasping. My head started to spin. I looked around as some of them tried to help me. They just didn't know what to do. I looked at daddy. My eyes red from crying. My scratchy voice from lose of air manage to let me talk

"Daddy......I...dont," I said before I just give up.

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