Chapter 9

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After a couple more days in the medical wing, I was able to leave and get back to my normal life. Well, about as normal as life is when you're engaged to a 107-year old super soldier with a metal arm. I had forgotten how protective he was over me; he was pretty much by my side 24/7.
I was working on a suit one day in Dad's workspace. It was closed to being finished, but the suit still needed a few statistical tests as well as actual test drives. Blueprints decorated the table in front of me as I scanned through options. My mind felt like fish swimming in a bowl. Nothing directly caught my attention and I began to feel frustrated.
Suddenly two arms wrap themselves around my waist, "Hey, doll." His sweet-like-honey voice soothed my mind a bit.
"Hey, Buck," I reply, still searching through the blueprints.
Cold and soft lips find themselves on my neck, sending shivers down my spine. He places short and soft butterfly kisses across my neck, filling my heart with love. "Baby," his voice was low and husky as he drew out the word.
"Yes, love?" I responded
"Come with lay with me, you've been working all day," he pleads softly.
"I'm so close to being done, Buck. I promise I'll be there soon."
I feel him bury his face in the crook of my neck as he groans. He was clearly tired and anxious to go to bed without me. Bucky couldn't sleep without me ever since we got back together.
"Baby...please?" He whined, his voice muffled.
After a bit of thinking, I gave him an answer. "Fine, fine. I'm coming." I put all
the blueprints together before standing up. He smiles and pulls me close to him, leaning in for a kiss. I give him a quick peck teasingly before separating myself from him and walking towards the door.
"Really, doll? That's how it's gonna be?" He asks.
"Yes it is. Because I need to get a shower, my hair is greasy and my face is sweaty." I begin to leave before something pops into my head. "Oh, and you better hurry up, soldier, cause you're coming in with me."

After a nice, long, and totally innocent shower, I brush my hair while Bucky lays on the bed. I could feel his eyes staring daggers into my back.
"The longer you stay impatient and grumpy, the longer I'm gonna take to get in bed," I say.
"And the longer I have to wait, the more antsy I'm gonna get, doll," he replies.
I roll my eyes as I finish brushing my hair and get into bed with him. I lay my head on his chest as he wraps his strong arms around me. My fingers glide along the scars across his chest. Thoughts began to cross my mind, trying to overtake my emotions.
Bucky must've taken notice," What's on your mind, doll?"
I stay silent as I continued to run my fingers along my fiancé's chest. I didn't want to bother him with my troubles, although he's said before that he didn't mind.
He takes my hand in his, placing it on his face. "Hey, what is it?" He asks softly.
"Just-" I sigh," Just my mind trying to attack me again. Making me overthink, the usual deal."
He pulls me closer to him, "I'm sorry, baby. You know it's not true. What it's telling you?"
"I know. It's just hard." I bury my face in his chest as he rubs my back gently.
"I know, doll," he comforts, kissing my forehead and resting his head on top of mine. "I know."

The next morning, I wake up to find Bucky's side of the bed empty. I move myself over to soak up the remaining warmth, catching a bit of his scent as well. The sun shone in my eyes, causing me to groan. I turn on my side and catch a slip of paper on the nightstand. I grab it and read the writing:
Out with Steve. Be back soon. Love you
I groan again and put a pillow over my head. Soon, I give up and get out of bed, getting dressed. I put on a white crop-hoodie and some blue jeans shorts. I pull my hair in a ponytail and put a cap over it. White vans cover my feet and a black chain choker surrounds my neck. I then walk out of the room and down the hall.
Suddenly a figure appears out of nowhere, causing my heart to skip a beat.
"Jeez, Vis! You scared the shit out of me!" I say, placing a hand on my chest.
Vision's red face turns into a frown when he sees me. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I did not mean to frighten you."
I chuckle," It's alright. Just don't do that again." I take a breath before speaking again," Have you seen Wanda?"
"She and Ms. Romanoff left just not too long ago."
Great, I think to myself.
"If it's any consolation, Mr. Parker is downstairs." Vision says.
"Thanks, Vision," I say, smiling before heading downstairs.
Once I get downstairs, my eyes fall upon a head of brown curly locks. His wide, familiar smile brings a smile to my face. I walk over to him and tap his shoulder. "Hey, stranger," I say, smiling.
He turns around, seeming even happier. "Y/N!" He says, wrapping me in a big hug.
Peter was like a twin brother to me. I hadn't known him for as long as the others, but it felt like I've known him my whole life. We went to the same high school together as well as the same college. I finished before he did, due to my advanced GPA and increased intellect. But don't get me wrong, Peter is insanely smart and gifted as well. He'll be finishing up college in a few days and headed into an advanced science and robotics organization. I'm hoping he may even end up working at Stark Industries with Dad.
"How ya been? How's May?"
"We're doing ok. Finally got out of that shabby apartment and got her a nice place to stay near Central Park."
"That's great! Send her my love."
"Will do. So, how about you?"
"I've been ok. Trying to figure out how to finish up this new suit I've been working on. Oh, and I'm getting married."
His eyebrows shot up, "Oh my god, really? Congrats!! Who's the lucky guy?"
"You remember Bucky Barnes?"
"How could anyone forget him? About time he actually did it. Everyone could see the tension between the two of you. It was so thick, I swear you could cut it with a knife."
I chuckle," Well thanks, Pete. How are Ned and MJ?"
"They're doing great. Both have pretty decent jobs and are making good pay, so."
"Well that's good." An idea comes to my mind. "Hey why don't you come with me to the workshop? I can show you what I've done so far on the suit."
"Oh yeah! Let's go."
We walk towards the door entering the workshop, but something felt off. I turn on the light a see a pile of rubble at the bottom of the stairs.
"Peter?" I ask.
He sees what I see and nods, letting me know he had his suit on him. I had mine too, in a way, in the form of an on-call watch. We slowly creeped down the stairs until we reached the bottom floor. What we say brought tears to my eyes, covering my mouth with my hands. The entire room had been smashed to pieces. Sparks flew everywhere and glass decorated the floor. All of our hard work and money spent...gone.
"Y/N?" Peter asks, worriedly.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y call my father. Tell him something terrible has happened."

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