Part 10: Happy Birthday!

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~ August 22, 7 am.  The darkness with a small clarity invaded the neighborhood along with the silence, broken by some cars that passed at dawn.  Gru, Dru, and the girls were in the lab preparing for Lucy's birthday party.  The lab was filled with balloons, a small table with gifts, confetti and a large chocolate cake, Lucy's favorite.  The girls were decorating the place, Dru and Gru planning with Nefario what they would do later, when Lucy wakes up.  They were thinking of doing a gymkhana after breakfast, where under Lucy's cup would be a card with clues that would lead her to other clues and finally to the lab.  Gru, Dru, and the girls would come up with some lame excuse to go to the lab while.  Everything was perfect and planned.  After hiding the clues, they quietly went to sleep again.
It was 10 in the morning, the alarm clock had already gone off.  The redhead woke up happily and woke up Gru but she was surprised when she saw that he just said good morning to her.  They directly woke up the girls and went to breakfast.  Lucy was very surprised that no one congratulated her, even worried that they had forgotten her birthday.  They finished breakfast and quickly, Gru and the girls gathered their plates and cups and went to the living room, leaving Lucy alone at the table and even more missed.  Everything changed when when she lifted the saucer where she had the cup, she saw a small white letter.  She carefully opened it and read the text it contained: "If the other clue you want to find, a furry white friend will give it to you."  Lucy immediately knew where to go and went to Lucky's yard.  He had a turquoise blue neckband with another letter attached.  She carefully removed the tape from Lucky and opened the letter: "The other clue you can find is where the three kittens are going to dream."
After deciphering that clue, she went to the girls' room and found the following clue in a heart attached to the wall: "You're on the right track if you find the other clue on the couch."
She made her way to the sofa and after much searching, she found the clue under a pillow: "The final place is underground."
Finally, she went down to the lab.  As she went down, she could appreciate the beautiful decoration that the place had.  Lucy can't help but get excited.  She barely opened the capsule when she reached the bottom, she found the whole family and the minions surrounding her, shouting "Happy Birthday!"  and the minions throwing confetti.  A tear of happiness slipped from Lucy's cheek and she quickly went to hug the family.  ~

Gru: Did you really think we'd forget about your birthday?

- Lucy: Silly, the laps you've made me do around the house.

Gru: It was the girls' idea...

- Lucy: I really appreciate this detail... you are so charming!

- Gru: There are still many surprises to come, we just have to wait for the guests to come so that the party can continue!

~ And so it was.  They stayed doing some things and when the guests came they started the party.  It was a great day of happiness for Lucy and she was really having a good time, although it was not the last thing they would do.  After the guests left and the place was cleaned up, Gru proposed that they go out for dinner and Lucy accepted.  As soon as they were dressed, they said goodbye to the girls and Dru and went straight to Lucy's car.  From there, they left and Gru, who was driving, decided to take Lucy to a small restaurant next to the park where they went in one of the previous episodes.  ~

- Waiter: Good evening, what do you want?

- Gru: Bring me 1 bottle of water and 2 glasses, please.  Surprise me with food.

- Waiter: Excellent, I'll bring you the drinks right now.

~ As soon as the waiter left, Lucy approached Gru ~

- Lucy: Do you really think that asking for anything is a good idea?  - She said between laughs.  -

- Gru: I would have ordered two glasses of wine but you know perfectly well that I can't drive after drinking one and that it's not recommended for babies... And food, nah, I have better things to show you later.

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