Cashier and His Cat

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This is just something to keep y'all entertained🥱

Cashier was outside the convenience store, leaning against the wall. He was currently trying to light a cigarette with no avail. He let out low grumbles as he tried and tried with no success.

He ended up tossing the cigarette and sliding down the wall. He had not seen Y/n that day but he wasn't all too worried. Y/n put up with him on a lot of occasions so having a little break was nice.


It was the sound of a cat. Cashier looked to his left to find a pretty orange cat beside him. The cat was staring right back at Cashier. It had blue eyes that complimented his orange fur in a weird way.

Cashier slowly put his hand out for the cat to sniff. The cat was hesitant before stepping closer to his hand. The cat took a few good whiffs then licked his hand gently. Cashier chuckled quietly and let the cat proceed.

Sooner or later the cat was laying in his lap. Cashier was scratching it behind the ears, stroking its little body, and giving it kisses. The cat purred out every one in a while as Cashier played with it.

Cashier enjoyed cats to a certain extent. He was more of a dog person but cats reminded him of.. Well, him. They were either really energetic or really lazy. He was mostly lazy but that's fine.

This cat, however, reminded him of Y/n. There was just something about the cat that made him feel so at ease.

After a few hours, he thoroughly looked at the cat. It had no collar... Nights do get a little lonely at his house though. So he decided to keep it. He would find a place for it in the shop until it was time for him to go home. He could probably let it roam around, he had no business today. But if he were to keep the cat he would have to name it.

"Y/n. You're new name is Y/n," He declared.

The cat just meow'd in response and curled back up into a ball.

He sighed and smiled down at the cat. He picked it up and took it into the store with him.

He didn't realize how attached he was to you.

How Much is Your Love? - Cashier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now