Chapter 13

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Kyle's Perspective

I woke up in my room few hours later. I saw a cup of hot chocolate on the desk, and Stan no where to be seen. "Maybe just went out." I said to myself. Leaving the bed, I went downstairs. No one was home. I saw a note on the table that hadn't been there before. 'Will be back in a few. Had to get homework. ~Stan' it read. I smiled. He's such a great friend.


That's all Stan thinks of me is just a friend. I don't blame him. I mean, he is straight. And I'm just a gay ginger....

Stan's Perspective

"What the hell, Stan?!" Wendy yelled at me from the floor. "Why are you letting this crazy bitch beat me up?!" I hesitated until Angela said, "If you don't want to get beat up, then meet me behind the school to a fight." Angela was not fucking around.

"Fine! If I could beat up Cartman, I can sure hell beat up you!" Wendy said, and she left and so did Bebe and Red. Angela sighs. "Sorry you had to see that Stan." "It's fine. Let's get it out of here. I feel more purvey every second I'm in here." She just chuckled.

A few hours later, school is over. It's time for the fight.

Word has gone around that the most popular girl in school is fighting the weird geek. There is a huge crowd, and I think someone is selling popcorn.

The two teenage girls are standing and facing each other. Wendy is dressed like she was when she beat up Cartman. Angela is wearing a short, black leather jacket with a yellow shirt underneath. But, she took of her glasses. She has shorts on, sneaker high-tops that go to her knees, and black gloves that leave her fingers bare. Her hair is down, but Wendy's is in a messy bun.

The crowd his roaring with anticipation. "You hurt my friend," Angela stared. "And know, you have to pay the price." Wendy got in a fighting stance, but Angela just stood still.

In the corner of my eye, I can see a familiar green hat. I look to my left and see him. Kyle.

"Kyle?! What are you doing here?!" He look me in the eyes. "You were at school for three hours! I was worried, so I came to see if you were ok." Kyle's attention then turned to the fight at hand. I looked and saw Wendy still in her stance, but more agitated. But Angela was still standing there with her hands in her pockets.

Shit is about to go down.

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