Chapter 4: Sophie

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Ugh... should I even do this!? What happens if he hates me for it?! Whatever, I'm doing it! Here I go! I stood up on my tip toes and kissed him. Keefe was definitely shocked. He didn't pull away though. He kissed me back. The only thought going around in my head was 'Keefe's kissing me!' on repeat. 

We were rudely interrupted by a high-pitched squeal. Oh no. Not Biana!  I practically shoved Keefe away and whirled around to see a very excited Biana. I blushed like crazy.  

"FINALLY!!!!!" she exclaimed with a grin.

"Biana Vacker!" I scolded. "Were you watching our whole conversation?!"

Biana's sheepish expression gave it away.

"Don't even pretend you didn't have the same conversation with Tam!" I said trying to change the subject.

Biana went red.

"You like Bangs Boy!!!" Keefe shouted with a surprised and disgusted expression. "I'm so sorry you have to be with him."

 "Oh, did you see Dex and Marella? They look super cute together!" Biana said changing the subject.

"Nice subject change Bi. You're telling Marella, Linh and I all about it later. Dex and Marella do look quite cute together though." I said.

Keefe was just staring at us as though we had 5 heads. We giggled at his expression.

"How do I not know about this! Foster, that hurts. You could've told me!" Keefe said. He ran a hand through his hair, messing it up even more. It made him look cuter.

"Keefe, you're supposed to be a walking lie detector. You should be able to tell when someone likes another. Or when someone likes you" Biana said, looking at me when she said 'someone'.  "I think we should get back now. The competition is starting soon."

I gaped at her.

"Competition!! You never said anything about a competition!" I shrieked.

"I didn't tell you?" Biana said, feigning innocence. "Oops, my bad. Basically, it's a competition for the best couple. I signed you up with Keefe, Marella and Dex signed up and Tam and I signed up together. Don't worry, all you do is walk out, then back in. Simple."

"Simple for you! I'm probably going to trip and faceplant while walking!!! WAIT!!!!! Did you say you signed me up with Keefe?!" I yelled, starting to freak out. "We haven't even decided if we're an official couple! Biana!" I wailed.

Biana shrugged and skipped away. I turned to Keefe. He was grinning.

"Foster, Foster, Foster." he said while shaking his head.

"What?" I asked.

"We should probably get to the competition."

We walked backstage and ran into Marella. She gave me a sly smile and ran over to Dex. I glared at her and she tried to hide her giggle. Even Keefe was laughing.

The competition had started. Tam and Biana walked out first. There were a lot of ooh's, ahh's and gasps. Tam and Biana used their abilities to make it look more interesting. Biana blinked in and out of sight with Tam. Tam used the shadows to darken the room around them and make it bright only where they were walking. 

When it was Dex and Marella's turn, they walked out. Dex threw some of his gadgets that exploded into bright colourful lights and Marella trailed some flames behind them as they walked. The fire obviously was harmless, so it wouldn't accidently burn anything or anyone.

We watched tons of couples walk out that I didn't know. Then Linh and Wylie walked out together. Biana, Marella, Keefe and I gasped. Wylie played with the light and made flashes appear while Linh had fountains of water spraying with each step they took.

After Linh and Wylie, Keefe and I got called. I was so nervous! I teleported on to the stage and Keefe helped me slowly levitate down. As soon as we landed on stage I turned bright red. There were too many pairs of eyes on me! Everyone was staring. There were a few jealous glares and a lot of surprised gasps. Keefe led me backstage.

"That concludes the competition!" the announcer said. "In third place we have, Sophie and Keefe! In second place we have, Biana and Tam! In first place we have, a tie, Linh and Wylie and Marella and Dex! Congratulations!"

There was a lot of cheering and we went to go congratulate each other. Magnate Leto barged in. 

"All of you, come with me. And get Fitz." he said. "Meet in my office, as fast as you can."

Q: Is Kotlc your favourite series ever?

It is 100% my favourite book ever!! I've read quite a lot of books, but none are as good as Kotlc!

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