Chapter 23: Elena

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I woke up to the smell of too-sweet candy. Ew. There was something in my mouth. Probably a pillow... wait, that wasn't a pillow! That's a cloth! I started to panic. The cloth was tied to my mouth! What was happening! My hands were bound and I was chained to a chair. My head was throbbing and it was pitch black. I couldn't see a thing. I tried to scream. The cloth wouldn't let me. Instead I choked.

A door creaked open. A figure walked in and turned the lights on. The room was a plain, cement basement. It had nothing in it except for the chair i was sitting on. The figure that had walked in was clearly a woman. She had dark brown hair that was tied in a ponytail. It hung till just past her shoulders. She had a black cloak on that she removed immediately. She tossed it to the ground. Underneath her cloak, she had a strapless, blood-red dress. It hung down to her knees at the front and was slightly longer at the back. She also ha red flats.

I tried to talk, but the gag in my mouth made it impossible to make noise

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I tried to talk, but the gag in my mouth made it impossible to make noise. I tried to focus on her face but she must've had an addler on. She walked closer to me and ripped off my gag.

"What were you saying sweetie?" she said in a voice that sounded like she was talking to a baby.

"I said, what a pretty dress." I managed to say with as little sarcasm as possible.

I rolled my eyes. 

"Thanks sweetie. I wore red, so that the blood from any cuts won't stain my dress. This dress used to be white, so you know." the woman said with a smile.

Yikes, this woman is messed up.

"Are you willing to cooperate for us?" she asked.

"Hmmmm..." I pretended to consider it. "Depends. Who are you?"

She just laughed.

"Has your mom or her friends talked about a group called the Neverseen."

I shook my head, even though I've heard many stories about the Neverseen. They were horrible.

She grabbed my wrist.

"Hunh. She hasn't? Well then." the woman scoffed. "Basically, we are your mom's friends. Elena Foster, I need you to cooperate. Will you do that? My name is Eliza."

Mom and Dad had told me that they defeated the Neverseen. Apparently not. I nodded along with what she said even though, there was no way, I'd ever help them.

"So. Abilities." Eliza asked. "Conjurer, Vanisher, Polyglot... anything else?"

I shook my head. Eliza was still grabbing my wrist. She must be an Empath.

"Have you heard the name Vespera?" Eliza asked again.

I shook my head, yet again. From what I've heard, Vespera was a creepy Neverseen member. She was horrible.

Eliza continued.

"She was my aunt. Best friends to your mother."

Eliza was disgusting. She was feeding me millions of lies.

"Eliza!"  harsh voice yelled from the hallway, outside of my prison room. "Are you done yet!"

"No!" Eliza yelled back. "Elena, this is my twin sister. Call her Bela."

"What's her ability?" I asked, as Bela walked in.

Bela was also wearing an addler. She had dark brown hair as well and it was done up in a bun. Bela had red heels and a short-sleeved, blood-red crop top, paired with a long red, flowy skirt. Her skirt ended at her ankles. I don't know why, but Bela seemed familiar.

 I don't know why, but Bela seemed familiar

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Bela laughed a cold, harsh laugh.

"If you must know, I'm a beguiler. This is my twin, Eliza." she said, gesturing to Eliza. Unlike Eliza, Bela's voice was harsh. "Let's make this simple. Where are the caches?"

"Catches?" I asked, feigning confusion.

"No. Caches. Councillors' caches. Fintan's. Kenric's." she yelled, voice emotionless.

"I don't know." I responded, honestly.

If I hadn't known better, I would've thought she was angry. She was as angry as she could get for a heartless monster. She sashayed over to me with her nose in the air. She raised her hand and slapped me, hard. OW! That really hurt.

Trying not to show the pain, I smirked.

"Is that all you got?" I asked.

Bela frowned. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she got the chance, I asked

"How many of you are in this group called the Neverseen?"

Eliza looked between me and Bela.

"There are only two of us, for now." Eliza said.

"Would you like to join our organization? You're never going home, so it's that or life long imprisonment." Bela said, devoid of emotion.

"Let me think about that... do I want to help psychotic twins? No thanks! I'm good. Thanks for the offer though. That was very considerate of you." I said sarcastically.

Bela bared her teeth and growled.

"Let's leave. Maybe she'll change her mind by tomorrow." Eliza said.

Bela pulled out a melder and pointed it at me. She shot, and the last thing I remember, before losing consciousness is Eliza and Bela slamming the door and leaving me in the dark.

A/N: How was that for a cliffhanger? 

Q: How long do you think it'll be before she is rescued? Will she even be rescued?

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