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The next of what happened was a blur because the next thing I knew I was waking up at the Nurse's office. I sat up straight, had an ice pack slip off my forehead, and felt a weird pressure in my nose. I touched my nose and felt a tissue in it. I tugged it out to see it was bloody. My forehead ached from the cold ice pack on it before. I looked around and saw a somewhat worried guy, but the girl from earlier was nowhere to be seen. The worried boy made his way over as he noticed I woke up, he was super tall for some reason (like, can i have at least some of your height?), and he had shaggy hair that was pulled back into a small bun. He seemed dirty, not greasy or stained but actual dirt of him. And probably sweat. He wore a neat uniform that I hadn't seen in the rulebook, but it also seemed to be covered in dirt. He had military boots covered in mud and I looked at the patch holding out the school logo, then it clicked. He probably participated in that military program the school had. I scoffed under my breath, was this guy just waiting for some class points from helping me? He held out his hand for a shake.

"Hey! I'm Desmond! Are you alright? What is your name, new kid?"

I stared blankly and adjusted my sunglasses, which felt oddly cracked, before shaking his hand.

"I'm fine. I'm Tammy Samantha Khatri. Where am I?"

"You're at the Nurse's Office! My mom went out to give some people medication, so I had to watch over you."

"Nurses Office?"

"You kind of caused a commotion. You kind of just fell over when the 'school matriarch' Dominique Gallego came over. Of course, in her fashion, she did all in her power to step out the way and you just like splatted onto the ground, your nose started bleeding, and yada yada."

I facepalmed, a little bit of my sunglasses chipped off some more (just what i get for getting these cheap BOGO ones).

"So much for first impressions."

"First impressions don't matter, at least not to me!"

He laughed so care-freely. I shrug as I swung my legs to the side of the bed and leaned over to grab my backpack.

"I don't really recommend you leave right now, since that whole scene was only 15 minutes ago, we don't know if it can happen again."

It won't happen again probably; it was probably maybe a weird magic spell or trance she had me under. Like those stories of kidnappers, Corey told me when I was younger. Maybe she is a kidnapper in her free time! There was just something so, I don't know...Just something about her makes me feel so confused but left me needing (wanting? Yearning?) to see her again.

"I saw in your bag you don't have a phone and you don't have a tech-gram in your ear either. Anybody we can contact? Do you know their information?"

I thought for a while, Corey doesn't like to be disturbed at work, nor do I know her work info. Amare probably could be contacted, if I remember his information. Wait, I do remember one that was annoyingly drilled into my head. When Amare got Abigails number he repeated it anywhere and hung it on the fridge.

"Yeah, she's in the college building next door, her number is...."

I parroted the numbers robotically, after all at this point its second nature

"Great, What is their name?"

Maybe I shouldn't say the town's richest and most famous supermodel's full name out loud like that.

"Her name is Abigail, tell her to bring my obnoxious big brother."

Desmond nodded and walked off. Now just time to wait, in this uncomfortable bed. Miserably. I take off my sunglasses and inspect the damage. It is not too bad but I'll definitely need new ones. I rummage through my bag and pull out my compass that I packed as a piece of home. I just stare at it and put it back. Twenty grueling head achingly long minutes later, I can hear the sound of doors opening and heels clicking. Desmond walked in with Abigail and Amare. Abigail stood at the door with Desmond and Amare sat down near me. Desmond was probably telling (if he could get over his stuttering over seeing Abi) Abigail about how I managed to put myself in the Nurse's Office with the Nurse's Son on the first day. Amare cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation as he looked not amused, I mean he was sweating from running and probably was in class. And it is a cross-campus run from what I had to walk from where they parked. If he did even run, which he probably didn't.

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