TEEN Maverick / Pete : Man in The moon

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Ok so I know I promised hangman, but this idea popped in my head while I was listening to music. (Like most of my ideas do) this idea would only work with Mav, Goose, or Rooster, and I was extremely indecisive because of miles tellers role in footloose had me inches from picking him, but I also liked Maverick or Goose for the role because of the era as well as them in general, but again mile teller - footloose - Willard 🥵 Okok. Ok enough miles teller app- who am I kidding I appreciate that man so much.

Anyway I couldn't choose so I threw their names in a choice wheel and said best two out of three, and maverick won so mmhm

Now the title of this is a movie which is what sparked my mind when I heard the song "that's alright with mama" by Elvis so I'm pulling inspo from the movie the man in the moon. I'm not following the script cuz OOF and copyright. If you haven't seen the movie please go watch it, you can watch it for free on tubi. Highly recommend if you like things set in the late fifties, or heart throbs. With that said we shall get into this

Your role will be explained as you read but all you need to know is that your 14 in the first half and Maverick is 17. I know I said teen mav but it's more of an age progression story so hehe.

I hope y'all enjoy this also happy belated 4th of July to anyone who celebrated and a big thank you to the Navy and the real TOPGUN fighter pilots ❤️❤️

We're about to call Mavericks dad Duke it's his call sign just go with it

Warning ⚠️ cringe as hell Idek what I was thinking. The movie it's based on is cringe so what can I say, fair warning not my best work.


As soon as I was finished with my chores I started to run down to the pond. "Be back in the next hour for dinner" my dad yelled out to me across the field. "Yes sir" I yelled back. I ran through the woods as fast as I could until I reached the path that lead down to the pond. I slowed down pulling my cloths off as I reached the pier, running and jumping off the end.

I floated contently in the cool water, relishing the feeling of the current running across my back. I soon heard the sound of pounding feet hit over the pier, I quickly sunk down into the water. No body was supposed to be here this was a private pond. Soon as I head a yelp and splash was heard, shit it was a guy.

"What the hell do you think your doing?!" I asked coving myself, thank god the water wasn't clear enough to see into. " I could ask you the same question little girl!" He said with slight anger. "This is private property!" "I know and your trespassing!" "This. Is. The Mitchell place, so if your last name isn't Mitchell get the hell out" "just so happens it is, and I know damn well that yours isn't." "Prove it" "I don't have to prove shit, I suggest you get out before I drag you out" "your bluffin" "you got till three 1.....2.." "ok, ok. Turn around and close your eyes" "why do I got-" "Just do it!" He huffed doing as I asked. I quickly swam to the later and checking to make sure he wasn't peeking, I climb the later and rushed grabbing my cloths and ducking behind a bush. "Why are you behind a bush, it's not like you have anything to hide" I scoffed running off back home.

I helped prep the vegetables to be grilled. "Dad, there was a boy at the Mitchell's pond when I was there" "oh that was probably Pete, don't you remember me and your mother mentioning that the Mitchell's were moving back?" "No sir I don't, he scared me I know that much. Quite rude to" "well honey did you tell him who you were?" My mom asked grabbing the dishes we'd need for dinner. "Well no, I didn't want to incase he was some weirdo" my parents laughed shaking their heads. "Well, hopefully you both can fix your first impression then." My dad said walking out of the house, mom following "what do you mean?" "Well hun him and his father are our dinner guest" "oh great" "hey, you be nice ok missy" my dad chided, I sighed "yes sir" I said pulling the juice pitcher towards me as I started to make lemonade.

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