02. Unexpected Guest

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It was the next morning. Error404 had woken up from his bed, watched some TV for a couple minutes, and went out. His plan for today is to go to UA High, talk to these heroes and get some useful info out of them. From yesterday's news, it showed a picture of the building which was pretty large, so it was fairly easy for Error404 to find the school. He teleported there, and it was still pretty early as there weren't many students at the school currently, but the teachers were.

Error404 then teleported inside of the actual building inside a bathroom stall. Luckily it was the boys bathroom, so no worries about being considered a creep or pervert. When Error404 was looking around the school, he noticed how all the students were wearing uniforms, considering this is Japan and all. He didn't care about disguising himself as a student because there's no need for it and it'll just be a waste of time, right? By his outfit, size and looks alone, most of the students and possibly even the teachers would mistake him as a new, unknown hero. This is just something Error404 thought of, but he washed it off, there's more important things to do.

Time was passing by and more students were entering the school. More students means more crowded halls, which would be of great annoyance towards Error404. Avoiding the students, trying to be as quiet and sneaky as possible, Error404 was looking for any teachers. He teleported and teleported across the school numerous times unnoticed, and as he was about to give up, he had found it. The teachers lounge. "Fucking finally", Error404 said, exhaling a sigh of relief.

He entered through the door without hesitation. It was fairly easy to get inside, as there were no locks, just doors, weird? However to Error404's surprise, no one was seen. He looked at the time and noticed that the clock was about to hit 8:00, which is when the school starts. The bell rang, and all the remaining students started rushing towards their classes, hoping to be on time. Error404 realized that all the teachers probably headed to their classes by now. "Uuugh, I was too late. God dammit! I shouldn't have stalled", Error404 said. "Hold it right there", an unknown voice said behind Error404.

"Who the hell are you", the unknown voice said. Error404 slowly turned around and saw a man who looked rather dead inside. Baggy eyes, dark clothing, bloodshot eyes, and bandages all over him. "Damn, what the fuck happened to you? You look awful", Error404 said. The person had a look of annoyance in his eyes, but didn't blink. Not even once. No wonder his eyes are that red. "I'm the one asking the questions here pal, and my health shouldn't concern you at the moment. I'm fine. As I was saying, who the hell are you and why are you here? I suggest you answer quickly before we're both in bandages", the stranger asked. Error404 let out a little chuckle, which caught the stranger by surprise for a brief moment. "Alright then pal. This may sound completely made up and full of shit, but I can assure you that I'm being completely dead serious. My name is Error404, and I'm here because I'm looking for answers on where the hell I'm at", Error404 responded with a bit of an angry tone. "Error404? That's a name I'd thought I would never thought someone would have. Anyways, my name is none of your business, but for now, call me Eraserhead", the stranger said. "I thought my name was odd, but who the fuck calls you Eraserhead", Error404 said. "Enough. It's my hero name. Now I would chat with you for a bit longer, but I have a class to teach. Oh yeah, and I'm kicking you out", Eraserhead said with an aggravated look in his bloodshot eyes.

Eraserhead walked to the side of the room to let Error404 walk out the door behind him. Error404, now annoyed with this Eraserhead guy, did as he said. As he walked out the door, Eraserhead followed him, most likely making sure he actually exits the building. After a couple minutes of walking and awkward silence, they reached the front doors. "So, now what", Error404 questioned. "Easy. Don't come back. I mean it", Eraserhead said, trying to somewhat intimidate Error404. Instead, he scoffed at the sleepy man for attempting to. It's hard to intimidate someone with that much power after all. "Fine, be seeing you", Error404 said, walking away from the building. Eraserhead didn't respond, and went the opposite direction to go to his classroom.

Unwanted Glitch (404 x My Hero Academia) ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now